Home assistant restore issues

Hi, I’m trying to restore HA but its not working as expected.
I’m trying to move from a RPI4 to a VM installed in Proxmox (using the Whiskerz script)

RPI4 is still working fine. All recent updates installed. Uninstalled MariaDB (as this sometime causes issues), revert back to the normal database that was almost empty after reboot and created a fresh snaphot. Size still ~650 mb.

Installed a fresh HA on Proxmox, booted and used the restore snaphot option on the first login screen. Snapshot selected, start restore, and then…nothing? Or is it? From Proxmox I still see mem/cpu activitiy but I cant see any progress anywhere?

It’s running for 1 hour now, how long could/should this take?
Is it even possible to migrate between platforms?
Any tips for troubleshooting as I don’t know how to monitor progress or view logs from the CLI?

Any help is appreciated!

Copy the snapshot to the local disk and restore from within HA. Unfortunately, that means going through onboarding.

I will try that again.

One additional question? Is a full snapshop restore the best option? I’m not sure how it works but will it then try to restore the PI verion to the x86 version?

Or is it also fine to restore a partial snapshop restore without the home assistant part (as both version are the same up-to-date version?

Both are fine. The restores pull the correct architecture (arm, x86) from docker.

Thanks, that was not clear to me.
But I still have issues, copied the backup to HA using SMB, restored snapshot (entire) and immediatly loose the HTTP connection. I have no clue what the restore process is doing, it’'s only consuming resourses so it appears that it is doing something. It;s running for about 3 hours now. Is this normal?
20 minutes ago I did see some network activity so I guess it downloaded some package…

While it’s restoring I can still ping the HA IP, and via ProxMox login to the console.
SMB or HTTP are not working anymore. Is this correct? Is there any way I can see the logs/progress?

I don’t know. I only use Supervised installations, so I can see the logs using docker commands or portainer. HA OS is quite different in that regard.

SOLVED! :slight_smile:

Source snapshot had static IP, destination system was still using DHCP & was pointing to the ADGuard DNS that was part of the HA snapshot… without working DNS the restore process would not be able to pull any file from docker :slight_smile: