Home Assistant Restore

I had HA installed on one laptop and decided to move it to another laptop Both Laptops are Windows 11

Used VirtuaBox to run HA

On Laptop 1 I ran a Full Backup then downloaded the backup file
I copied the Virtualbox VM folder over to Laptop 2

Started up HA on laptop 2 and went to my browser and connected to HA

The screen popped up with Start6 New HA or restore

I choose restore and selected full restore selected my full backup file

the next screen on HA shows Full Restore in Progress

It has been running for over 2 hours now

the backup only took a minute to run.

How long should a full restore take?

Thanks Tom


How big is the backup?

It can take up to 4 hours or more, yes. It’s a known problem (veeeery slow restore), but noone seems to know the reason for it…

Thank you guys.

after several hours I just opened another tab on my browser went to HA and now have the sign on scren
The account I created on the other machine worked and I got logged in

The other tab still showed restore in progress so I just closed that tab.

Hopefully they will fit this process.