Home Assistant running, but no access through url or app


Had a power outage and the UPS didn’t last long enough to keep the system running.

Windows machine with VirtualBox. Been running for at least a year.
This is the process :

  • VM starts
  • HA CLI opens and shows the URL
  • No access through IP:8123 or homeassistant.local:8123
  • I can ping the ip address and recieve packages
  • Restart Home Assistant as well as Host
  • Tried creating a new VM with fresh Home Assistant, but still the same problem.
    Attaching the network settings in Virtualbox as well as supervisor logs and network info. Core logs look normal.

Any tips out there?

network settings oracle

I think Promiscous mode might need to be enabled.
This setting enables the network card to receive packets to other MAC addresses than the one coded into its firmware, which is something many hypervisors use when setting up VMs in bridge mode.

Sorry, I changed it after the screenshot was taken. It’s on “Allow All”, but still same issue

Did you restart the VM after the change?

Yes I restarted VM and host.

Home Assistant shows as connected/online on my routers app. “ha network info” confirms the IP address, but still no access

how dies your main console look?
does it have home assistant written over 3 lines?

This one?

Yup, that is the one.
Does the IPv4 address start with 172, then HA is up and running and something in your VirtualBox is not configured right.

Well it’s 192.168, but that should not make a difference if I’m not mistaken.

I can samba into the folders and log files.
Log file has several “setup failed” for dependencies like person, device_tracker, frontend.

Yeah, that should work.
As long as it is not starting with 169, because that is a self-signed IP, which indicate a DHCP problem.

Could you run “ha resolution info” in the console?

No issues listed

resolution info

This really has me stumped.

Running "nmcli con show “Home Assistant OS default” shows no ipv4 addresses though

nmcli con show

EDIT: because it was under “Supervisor enp0s3”

and what about “ha net info” ?

oh and could you try to use another device to try to connect to ip:8123?
Maybe a mobile phone on wifi?

net info result
laptop browser as well as mobile phone on wifi results in “ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED”

net info

Is 192.168.21.x your correct home network? I note it is statically assigned, and if you changed your network to a different subnet, it may now be in a different subnet.

Also tried a more basic configuration.yaml as well as deleting all custom components folders, but still same problem.

Finally up and running again.

I tried deleting the home assistant db, but I don’t think that’s what solved it.
Probably running the following in main console solved it :

ha backups list

  • I then checked the list for one of the latest backups, and checked that the file size was comparable to a full backup.

ha backups restore *backupname*

Try changing the Promiscuous Mode: Allow VMs