Home Assistant scenes/scripts in Alexa routines


I’ve integrated Alexa using Haaska method with HA.
All devices and scenes (scripts) show up fine.
However, when I try to create a routine in Alexa, it does not show me any available scenes(scripts), only devices.
So, under New Routine -> Add Action , I have checked
Skills - which says I have no skills installed, though I have a couple and Haaska in dev
Smart Home - which shows all devices, but no scenes or scripts.

Any ideas ? Thanks.

Hi, I see mine in
New Routine > Add Action > Smart Home > Control Scene

Haaska is a dev skill right, when adding to Alexa ?

My work around was

create a light switch that does nothing

then create a routine that turn that light on to a dim level say 50%

then create =automation with the tigger light on and Condition with the dim level 50%

then the action can be what every

Yes Haaska is a Dev Skill, I use only Haaska and actionalble notifications Dev Skill. I have none other installed.
Check alexa configuration. I don’t remember if scenes/scripts are sent by default or not through Haaska.

thank you for this, i didnt find my scenes until this post :slight_smile: