Home Assistant stopped working / stuck - URL timing out

Hi everyone, and thanks in advance;

I have 2 identical Intel NUC’s with HA OS. One in my house and one in a community centre. I update them at exactly the same time. They’re both running OS 14.0 and Core 2024.11.3

The one in my home is up and accessible via http://homeassistant.local:8123/ and via [local IP address]:8123
The one in the community centre is refusing to present anything via http://homeassistant.local:8123/ or via [local IP address]:8123 or via [WAN IP address]:8123
*the local IP address is tied to the static WAN IP

The NUC is up
It’s got an IP address (it’s responding to pings)
The supervisor is up (verified via projector into HDMI port)

The Observer URL (http://homeassistant.local:4357) is up and showing “Connected/Supported/Healthy”:

*the Observer page is also working via [local IP address]:4357 and via [WAN IP address]:4357

I attended the community centre and physically power cycled the NUC yesterday at 8pm (I didn’t have a USB keyboard with me). It’s been up for over 12hrs but still nothing.

Does anyone have any ideas I could try?
There’s an HP thin client at the community centre running Win 10 Pro with RDP software on it that I use for rebooting the ISP router and the public Wi-Fi router when needed. Unfortunately, I don’t have SSH access (I’ll be fixing this once I’ve got in), and I’ll not be going back to the community centre until tomorrow.

Yes, I’m aware I’m using Wi-Fi, yes, it’s worked like this for years. Yes, I’ve tried plugging it into the ISP Router. It got an ethernet IP address which resulted in the same outcome, nothing on [local ethernet IP address]:8123 standard “Connected/Supported/Healthy” on [local ethernet IP address]:4357.

Thanks again

Managed to go grab the NUC
I’ve tried everything I can think of from the command line but, all I’m getting is:

Error: Another job is running for job group home_assistant_core

Update, had to rebuild the OS and restore from backup in the end.

Top tip for recovery… the OS image needs extracting before trying to write it using Etcher. I think this caught me out last time too where I spent an equal number of hours cursing and trying to figure out why Etcher kept failing.

Please close the issue