Home Assistant stops working after some minutes/hours 0.9X

Dear All,

After updating my Home Assistant to version 0.9X, after some minutes/hours the raspberry pi 3 is still answering to ping but the home assistant GUI server is down and nothing works (automations, switches, Samba server…).

I would like to check the log to see what happened but it restarts from scratch when I reboot the raspberry. Is there any internal log which do not delete itself when I reboot the device and which I can check to understand why the server is failing?

Thank you in advance!

If Samba isn’t working, it suggests the whole host is unresponsive.

How did you install Home Assistant? Hass.io, Hassbian, something else?

Hello @Tinkerer, and thanks for your comment.

I followed these steps one year ago: https://www.home-assistant.io/getting-started/

The host is still answering to ping. I didn’t try SSH yet. But if I reboot it, everything works for some time, so there I can do SSH and check the logs I guess. But not sure where to look for those logs and also when I connect by SSH I dont get a real shell/bash so most of the usual Linux commands are not useful.

Thank you for your help in advance!

I think this could be the answer. I will check at home:

I had a problem like this, after going to 0.99. I disabled all custom_components, and it resolved the issue. I’m still trying to figure out what component it was. Could have been HACS, or an older custom pushover component, or a sonarr_upcoming, or anniverary.

The custom components I use are the SonOff one and the Alexa one. I will try to disable it.

SSH is working but I cannot issue the commands from the HA official documentation.

The Raspberry PI is not booting anymore… I didn’t do any changes. I just rebooted it but it is not even answering to ping anymore…

I guess I will need to install from scratch and load the last snapshot :frowning:

Maybe is the micro SD card that is not longer working. I will check. Maybe I need the recommended Application Performance Class 2 card to avoid this. I will confirm.

I had a total system failure this week since upgrading to 0.99 too. Nothing wrong with the SD card either, I did a fresh install and am back up and running on the same SD (Risky I know, but I plan to transition to SSD at the weekend so figured Id chance my hand to test the SD)

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So the problem was the SD card. I burned the last version of Hass.io in my new SD card and then I installed samba, I uploaded the snapshot and I went to Hass.io to restore an snapshot from one month ago when everything was working.

I click on restore (or wipe and restore) I see connection lost, reconnecting, I also see my raspberry Pi 3 B+ with the green hard drive LED flashing and after some minutes Home Assistant reconnects and everythins is defaults, the Snapshot restore is not working at all. What can I do know? The snapshot is 500MB and I see the files inside with WinRAR, so why nothing is changing? even if I reboot the server, same results, nothing changes :frowning:

Solved. The snapshot password was not correct.

It does the WIPE but not the snapshot, no message is poped up.

Anyway, I am happy now!