Home assistant stops working regulary - process gets killed

Since a couple of weeks I have an ongoing error regarding my hassbian install. Home assistant just stops working without warning after it has run for a day or two without any problems. Today I finally found an error in my Syslog of the raspberry. It says:

hassbian systemd[1]: [email protected]: Main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV
hassbian systemd[1]: [email protected]: Unit entered failed state
hassbian systemd[1]: [email protected]: Failed with result ‘signal’

Does someone have an idea on how to fix this behaviour or possibly to monitor the homeassistant.service and to restart it when shut down.

Thank you all in advance.

I have now set up an watch dog like described on this site (german): http://www.gieseke-buch.de/raspberrypi/eingebauten-hardware-watchdog-zur-ueberwachung-nutzen which watches the homeassistant.db. But if anyone has an idea on how to restart just the homeassistant service when hass stops working please let me know

You can put a restart value in your service file.