Home Assistant suddenly unreachable

Hi everyone,

All of the sudden my home assistant on my Raspberry pi 2 stopped working.
I cant access it anymore to the GUI but I can ping the Raspberry.

If have checked the SD card manual on my laptop. And looking in the log (home assistant.txt)
It looks like it is running and sometime shows an error on an entity but I dont think that’s the reason for not being able to reach the Home assistant GUI.

Do you guys have any tips on how to maybe recover this?
Sadly enough dont have any kind of back ups :frowning:

Ofcourse I am still able to get all the config files from the SD card so that’s not a real problem.
But I dont know I can get my Lovelace UI fullt back because I wasnt using YAML mode on it.

Hope you guys can help me a bit with recovering it back

If you have access to the config directory then post the contents of the “home-assistant.log” file.

I’m not sure what “home assistant.txt” is but whatever it is it’s not the log file as far as I know.

Did you make any changes to the system right before it “suddenly” stopped working?

In my experience HA doesn’t “suddenly” stop working unless you’ve had a hardware failure of some sort. All of the other “suddenly stopped working” reports resulted from operator error making a code mistake.

I just had the same issue. No logs stating what could have happened. SSL was not enabled, had to hard reset my pi4.

Sorry I did ment the home-assistant.log
Yesterday I deleted the Database files (home-assistant_v2 , home-assistant_v2.db-shm and home-assistant_v2.db-wal) in the config folder after that I couldn’t access the home assistant application anymore…

Checking the log file also shows no new entries anymore as from 2020-02-20.

I happend all of a sudden. No new stuff was added. I do see any error on an custom component entity but I barerly thing that made fully crash.

Think there is no other option then fully reset the Raspberry Pi this is now that second time.
It runs a few month nicely and than just crashes…

Any chance of getting a raw edit of the Lovelace UI out of the SD card which I can still acces?

Unless you are making changes right before it crashes then I think that probably falls into the “hardware failure” scenario I posted about above.

If you still have access to all the files on the card then just backup your entire config directory (the one where configuration.yaml resides) and all of its sub-folders. everything is in those folders.

But seriously if this happening on a somewhat regular basis (and you aren’t the cause :wink:) I would look into getting a new SD card or better power supply.

The first time it happend I replaced the SD card for an Samsung Evo 32gb.
and also the power supply to an original raspberry pi power supply of 2A.

Should be sufficient enough to give the raspberry pi 2b power.

If this keeps on going for regular base.I will be thinking of going to some other platform… :frowning:

really like the simplicity of the raspberry pi tho…

What would be an other good alternative?

I use a NUC. So do many others.

An old laptop with Debian installed would work good too.

You need to share the specific entity errors you are seeing and share what version of HA you are running. An error can absolutely bring down the front end.

Oh really, didnt know that ,thought it would run but with the errors.
Does every error bring down the front end? Cause I started copying back my original stuff and forgot the Sensor.yaml.
Home assistant started up in safe mode. Was hoping something similiar would have happend when my Pi crashed hehe

I dont know if I have still have the old / original log file.
Currently reinstalling a new version on my Raspberry Pi.

Copied back almost everything from the /config/ folder and still up and running.

second chances did found my old log file which have some as the following errors.
I dont know if these are capable for fully crashing the system


it’s frustrating when you ask someone to do something to try to help them and they then give incorrect/incomplete information that leads you on a wild goose chase that helps no one.

No solution here, but, another example of a similar situation.
The lovelace GUI is unreachable (New access gives a spinning wheel forever) but API works.
See my other thread here Lovelace access KO but API access OK
I am still trying to detect it and then, hopefully, fix it. It is not the result of a change of config in my case. I am running on a VMs using hassio on a NUC. So, complete different hardware from you.


What you going on?

You want the full version you mean?

I’ve got a similar issue since today.
I cannot reach Home Assistant using the Companion app nor via the website when using the duckdns address. I can however access it from the web using my local ip address. No config changes here either.