I am happy to announce that version 1.0 of the Home Assistant Supervised Debian package is now live!!!
Over the past month I have been working on converting the existing Home Assistant Supervised Installer into a Debian package in order to make it easier to maintain
I also have a guide which I have been maintaining for a while that has now been updated to include the steps for installing the Debian package:
If you encounter any issues with this new package, please let me know. I am ikifar#7246 over on the Home Assistant Discord and if you would like to help out please let us know in the #devs_supervisor channel
I’m also worried about the lack of the machine-type flag now. When I first used the script I foolishly omitted it, resulting in a Pi4 arm32 installation instead of a Pi 4 aarch64 one. Could you please elaborate on what exactly the package tries to detect, in order to establish the machine type?
Yeah, I just wanted to know if the package actually does that and if all environment variables described in Supervisor update - Home Assistant are properly defined.
Does this mean we can no longer specify the host volume mappings? I guess it can be altered post-install - or will it be overwritten if/when a new update to the .deb package?
21-11-23 20:50:31 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can’t install ghcr.io/home-assistant/None-homeassistant:landingpage: 400 Client Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/images/create?tag=landingpage&fromImage=ghcr.io%2Fhome-assistant%2FNone-homeassistant: Bad Request (“invalid reference format: repository name must be lowercase”)
I am seeing the same error as sjude68 as well. I am not familiar at all with scripting beyond the conceptual level and haven’t much time to delve into this aspect. I hope that news of repair or solution will be posted in this thread soon. I will be watching for it.