Home Assistant Supervised (previously known as Hass.io) on Synology DSM as native package (not supported or working atm)

On this issue on Github

they use this Software on Docker to expose the wyze sensors with mqtt

Hope this helps you. I will go to the Xiaomi Aqara Motion Sensors, they have a built in light sensor and use the zigbee network.

I’ve got two Synolgy.
One DS716+ and one DS718+. I install hassio package on both but I have problem to start wireguard addon on DS716+. It work on DS718+.
I get this error:

ERROR (SyncWorker_12) [hassio.docker] Can’t start addon_a0d7b954_wireguard: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error (“linux runtime spec devices: error gathering device information while adding custom device “/dev/net/tun”: no such file or directory”)

If I put Hight privileges on container in docker it start but failed with interface

ERROR: (wg0) 2019/11/25 22:37:11 Failed to create TUN device: no such file or directory
Unable to access interface: Protocol not supported
[#] ip link delete dev wg0
Cannot find device “wg0”‘’

Any idea?

Installed this and it’s been fine but I’m migrating to a dedicated machine now.

How do I uninstall it? Whenever I stop the 3 containers they just restart themselves. I’ve migrated the data so just want to stop and delete. Any tips?

Don’t stop the docker containers. Use Synology’s package center to uninstall it.

Sorry for the kick. I really would like to have Hass.io up and running again but I don’t know where to start.

Any ideas?

And here I am over complicating it. Thanks for this, didn’t even think to check.

Thank you very much for this. I bought a new DS218+ today and was successfully moving my RP4 Hass.io installation to the NSA (funny mistake --> should have been NAS). Everything is working fine with version 0.102.2.

Had a few struggles and needed to restart the docker containers a few times but finally everything worked and the performance is way better than on the RP4. Even Deconz with the Conbee II was working immediately after restoring the Hass.io Snapshot. I was really surprised in a very positive way.

Hi guys. I’m getting a weird network issues after installing this package, and had to factory reset my DS718+ twice during last 2 months. The package creates a Docker network in background, and after installing this package, a “network interface” and “account type” options are dissapearing eg. from VPN Server package -> General settings section (maybe it affects something else also, but this is the place where I have noticed it). Affected droppdowns have been marked in screenshot, dropdowns are not being populated, and GUI shows this as an error and highlightst them red when I try to save the changes.

Could someone try to verify if you have the same behaviour?

The most recent issue I had last days was that network interfaces starter to showing as [unknowon] in system monitor widget. And after latest DMS update the network has broken for good, after reboot even the eth LEDs on the front were not blinking, the same effect as before the previous network reset. And I can only connect this issues with this package, as on my 3rd setup (DS918+) where I do not have this SPK installed the VPN works normally and I have no other issues.

@fredrike is this maybe something you have experienced or maybe could reproduce? I have the same effect on two different setups - on my DS718+ and on Xpenology installation. If confirmed, that for sure it will require a Synology Bug to be reported, but maybe we could handle this by ourselves? Many thanks
I’m using DDSM, different VLANs on network interfaces and have OpenVswitch enabled this might be important in reproducing this issue

I’ve aware of the issue and can reproduce it but don’t know why the docker network creates this issue.

Perhaps we (you) need to reach out to Synology for this…

I’ve already reached Synology with this but back then I didn’t know what is causing this issue and they were unable to reproduce this issue. I will try to reopen my Synology ticket and will include new findings.

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I’m trying to move a hass.io install from an Ubuntu with Docker setup over to my Synology. I have the package from this thread, should I be downgrading the Synology Docker package to the 17.x version rather than the 18.x version for the Hass.io package from 20191006 to work correctly?

No, the latest Docker version for Synology works fine.

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There have been a discussion wlth this earlier in this thread…

It would really be interesting to see what is confusing DSM (but honestly I think they have a bug due to new interfaces caused by the docker instance).

It should be reproducable by just creating a docker network (as that is more or less the only thing I’ve found that hassio-supervisor does). Perhaps you need to set iptables and routing as I’ve shown in the gist (also earlier in this post) too.

Hello all,

I just installed hassio_x64-6.1_20191006-3c5c9bce.spk on my fully updated 1019+, DSM 6.2.2-24922 Update 4 and Docker 18.09.0-0506 and I’m getting several errors in HA on first startup. I’ve read the whole thread and maybe I missed something but I thought I should be fine with this version of Docker.

2019-12-05 15:42:55 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/connector.py", line 830, in _resolve_host
    self._resolver.resolve(host, port, family=self._family)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/aiohttp/resolver.py", line 30, in resolve
    host, port, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM, family=family)
  File "uvloop/loop.pyx", line 1469, in getaddrinfo
socket.gaierror: [Errno -3] Try again
2019-12-05 15:42:59 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup of hassio is taking over 10 seconds.
2019-12-05 15:43:04 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.handler] Timeout on /supervisor/ping request
2019-12-05 15:43:04 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] Not connected with Hass.io / system to busy!
2019-12-05 15:43:14 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.handler] Timeout on /homeassistant/options request
2019-12-05 15:43:24 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.handler] Timeout on /supervisor/options request
2019-12-05 15:43:34 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.handler] Timeout on /homeassistant/info request
2019-12-05 15:43:34 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] Can't read last version: 
2019-12-05 15:43:44 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.handler] Timeout on /ingress/panels request
2019-12-05 15:43:44 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.addon_panel] Can't read panel info: 
2019-12-05 15:43:54 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.handler] Timeout on /discovery request
2019-12-05 15:43:54 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio.discovery] Can't read discover info: 
2019-12-05 15:48:49 ERROR (MainThread) [metno] https://aa015h6buqvih86i1.api.met.no/weatherapi/locationforecast/1.9/ returned Cannot connect to host aa015h6buqvih86i1.api.met.no:443 ssl:None [Try again]

Try to restart the package, it looks like network issues that might work better after a restart (of the package).

Ok, I have raised the ticket in Synology. They asked me few things, I’ve provided some logs along with remote support to my NAS. Most recent reply from them is:

Dear Customer,
thank you for your feedback.

At the moment your case is in our development. I will contact you if I have any news.

Lets hope that we will some fix for that issue in a next update :slight_smile:
I will keep you informed.

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Ended up having to restart the NAS but after that all is working. Thanks.

hello everyone, what version should i use ? Home Assistant from Docker ? Or Hass.io as native package?
It seems like on home assistant i cannot install addons like configurator/editor

Does anyone else have the issue where the hassio_supervisor crashes and restarts every 5 minutes? At this point, it’s becoming more than a nuisance. Any work that I’m doing with Hassio addons breaks every 5 minutes while the supervisor crashes and restarts.

Is there a way that I can configure hassio_supervisor into debug or trace mode to see if its logging any errors when it crashes?

19-12-08 00:24:42 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.core] Hass.io is up and running
19-12-08 00:24:42 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request initialize
19-12-08 00:24:42 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] WebSocket access from a0d7b954_nodered
19-12-08 00:24:42 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Updated Home Assistant API token
19-12-08 00:24:42 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API request running
19-12-08 00:28:53 INFO (MainThread) [__main__] Stopping Hass.io
19-12-08 00:28:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.misc.forwarder] Stop DNS forwarding
19-12-08 00:28:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API error: Received message 257:None is not str
19-12-08 00:28:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api.proxy] Home Assistant WebSocket API connection is closed
19-12-08 00:28:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.api] Stop API on
19-12-08 00:28:53 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.core] Hass.io is down
19-12-08 00:28:53 INFO (MainThread) [__main__] Close Hass.io

Hey Fredrik,

thank you so much for your efforts!
The installation was working flawlessly on my nas!

The only concern I have is about hibernation…
Is it true that this package prevents the synology from switching to hibernation or is it just my configuration?