Home Assistant Supervised (previously known as Hass.io) on Synology DSM as native package (not supported or working atm)

So I’m confused to what the fix is here. I am running Synology 6.2.2. Just installed the latest Deconz HASSIO add-on and now I’m facing the same issue above (I should have checked here first). How do I fix it?

NAS is a DS1515+.

Now upgraded to the latest DSM. 6.2.3-25426-2

So you might have run into the issue where your Synology hardware is running an older Linux kernel which is unsupported now. You can confirm this by SSH’ing into your NAS and running uname -a or uname -r to see the version you have.

Your only options then are to either downgrade Deconz back to the previous working version and stay there forever (not great) or, it seems people are reporting you can still run Home Assistant Supervised on a Virtual Machine in your Synology (under Virtual Machine Manager). Not sure about how resource intensive this would be but it’s a solution.

The folks here are giving clearer instructions: https://github.com/home-assistant/hassio-addons/issues/1487#issuecomment-664381457

Hi BeardedConti, is there any advantage in updating to the latest version if I’ve been running a previous version with no issues? I’m on 20190701-alpha and Package Manager is prompting me to update but not sure how safe it would be.

Yes same issue here. Just trying to work out how to downgrade or reinstall Deconz 5.3.6. Then I can decided how I am going to run HA going forward. I might use a NUC and run Docker on Linux and take it off my NAS.

As far as I know, that shouldn’t have impact.
If it’s working for you, it should be OK. This is just “installation script” (maybe not best title, but easiest to explain).
It creates necessary folders, network, etc…
So, if it’s working, no need to upgrade.

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It’s OK, I sorted the downgrade. HAs to restore from a snap shot. Deconz is working again now.

Now to look at getting everything moved off synology.

For me it’s the first install of hassio on docker on synology 1512+, all ok till the deconz install…same error of Puntoboy, it’s frustrating that it won’t be further support for hass.io on docker.
however for the conbee2 is there any way i can obtain the older version of deconz ? Thanks in advance.

Hey @fredrike and the entire community,

first let me thank you soooo much for this package. After struggling with my Raspberry Pi due to SD card issues (broke 3 time in half a year), I finally managed to move to Synology. Hope, it will be more stable. What I can say right now: performance is a huuuge difference! Again, THANKS A LOT!

The move was not that easy, so here are my steps on a DS716+II running DSM 6.2.3-25426 Update 2 with Surveillance Station in place.

I struggled with many issues described in post #2. After many hours of try and error, steps forward and backward, I think success factor is the sequence of steps I finally took. Here we go:


  1. Initially, Audio Station was NOT running. I needed to turn it on and create and empty security group Audio.
  2. I installed the beta community package of Hass.IO.
  3. Since Surveillance Station was running, I needed to perform the network patch described in post #2.
  4. I stopped the package, uninstalled the package (without deleting the content), deleted all docker containers and images manually. I did not delete the network.
  5. I reinstalled the community package.

Now, the Hass.IO installation was up and running. All docker packages run stable without restarting over and over again. Home Assistant was accessible via http://syno-ip:8123. The supervisor was accessible.


  1. Accessed my old installation and turend of all non relevant add-ons, esp. Samba, ADguard, File-Editor, etc.
  2. Created a manual full snapshot of my installation, downloaded it and uploaded it to the backup folder (\syno-ip\docker\hass.io\backup).
  3. Went to my new Hass.IO on Synology and performed a Wipe & Restore of this backup, only enabling necessary add-ons (esp. Node-RED).
  4. Needed to edit my configuration.yaml and secrets.yaml and adjusted the IP-addresses from my old installation to the syno-ip.
  5. On my router, I changed the port forwarding from my Pi to my syno-ip.

Home Assistant was accessible via https://external-address:external-port. The supervisor is accessible. Node-RED is running. Performance is great!


Everything worka great exept homematic ip does anyone know this error?

Should I release a new package that requires DSM 6.2?

It feels strange that people with eight(!) years old hardware (1512+) are yelling “help me it doesn’t work”.

Great that it works so well and that you managed to fix everything!

I started a Google doc which was supposed to be more of a wiki of how to fix stuff but no one chipped in. Do you like to write some notes (and perhaps my #2 post needs some rewording)? Your description was really good.

I think that could be good option. It all cascades to other dependencies - for ex. minimum DSM package - not using latest Docker, etc. And it becomes hard to troubleshoot.

Do you have a link to that document?

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Thanks! Currently on the vacation with no WIFI nearby, but will browse and add what I can.

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I just bought the new Synology DS920+ and was excited to try the native hass.io DSM package. Unfortunately it did not show up inte the Package Center after adding the SynoCommunity and checking the beta checkbox. From what I can tell, the hassio package does not show up because the new DS920+ is running a new chipset and a new Synology package architecture called Geminilake (as supposed to DS918+ and DS218+ running Apollolake)

Are there any plans to add support for the new architecture in the native DSM hassio package?


Welcome to the club @tacomannen! :wink:
Until the package is available through Synocommunity, you can search this thread for Dropbox link. Use one that is dated 12/2019.
I know few ppl that have new 920+ and they used that link to download and install hass.io spk.
It should work

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Thank you! :slight_smile:
I will give the dropbox link a try.

You can check comments here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdBYUbj0B5Q) - latest comment 6 days ago - same issue and link is there (if you can’t find it here).

Hi All !

I see that USB device is a huge topic here but I can’t find any hint related to my issue.
I want to use my RFlink USB with Home Assistant but I’m struggling to find the correct path to the device.
lsusb return:

|__usb1          1d6b:0002:0404 09  2.00  480MBit/s 0mA 1IF  (Linux 4.4.59+ xhci-hcd xHCI Host Controller 0000:00:15.0) hub
  |__1-1         1a86:7523:0254 ff  1.10   12MBit/s 96mA 1IF  ( ffffffd8ffffffb9ffffffd0ffffffa2)
  |__1-4         f400:f400:0100 00  2.00  480MBit/s 200mA 1IF  (Synology DiskStation 6500826B09CA6004)
|__usb2          1d6b:0003:0404 09  3.00 5000MBit/s 0mA 1IF  (Linux 4.4.59+ xhci-hcd xHCI Host Controller 0000:00:15.0) hub

Device 1a86:7523:0254 is found but I can’t see any entry in /dev like “ttyUSB” or “serial” which should be set in the configuration.yaml.
I’ve seen it should be someting like /dev/serial/by-id/usb-id01234

The synology is a DS218+ and the RFlink has worked perfeclty out of the box with Domoticz but on anoter Synology.

Someone can advise me ?

Thanks !


One month ago I have installed and used this package without any problem.
Today I had to uninstall it fo other reasons andI want to reinstall it now.
The installation seems to work well.
but the homeassistant docker does not start with this message in the docker log
Start container homeassistant failed: {"message":"Bind mount failed: '/volume1/Hass/hass.io/tmp/homeassistant_pulse' does not exists"}

In fact the folder /tmp/is empty. If I try to create the requested folder I get another message with another uncreated folder.
It’s not the good way to solve this issue.

I’m running DS718+ last upgrade DSM 6.2.3-25426 Update 2.
Docker 18.09.0-05013

Any idea how to solve this issue?

BTW do you have a good tuto to install home assistant in a Synology virtual machine ?
Thanks for the help