Home Assistant Supervised (previously known as Hass.io) on Synology DSM as native package (not supported or working atm)

Hard to help like that, but no worries. Removing package and reinstalling it shouldn’t mess anything up. And you can even select remove add-on’s since all the configuration will be preserved.

If you want, to be on the safe side - ZIP/copy contents of …hass.io/homeassistant folder (including hidden subfolders such as .storage). This should preserve all files and configuration for Home Assistant, or if you want to go one step further, do that for whole hass.io folder (with subfolders).

BTW . if you see in log error or warning with recorder component, you can always try to delete database in homeassistant folder (homeassistant.db). You will lose historical data for sensors/entities, but this will clear this error.
Recorder can be reason for slow systems or systems failing or starting very slowly. But that’s just one wild guess.

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Thank you very much BeardeConti !
So, i will uninstall and re-install (after the ZIP backup).
I just would like one more precision :
checking the docker log of “home-assistant home assistant1” (that’s its name in docker, I don’t know why the “1” at its end), I have a message:

Unable to find configuration. Creating default one in /config

I don’t understand well the arquitecture of the diferent files. I folowed a tutorial on the web to install but forgot the URL.
It seems that all my archive are in a shared folder “Hass”.
But inside of this folder, I can see:


Here they are 10 .json files wich are posterior to my crash + usb_devices.txt

in its sub-directory


I have the .yaml files.

So, wich is the “/config” directrory ? I have to backup all the “\myDS\Hass” and the new instalation will use automaticaly use the same directory and its sub-directories or I have to tell during the setup “Hass” or “hass.io” ?

Thank you very much for your help !
Best regards !

I have the latest version from fredrick. He sent me a link to it. I removed completely and installed his linked version. Supervisor link will not load. Its whats discussed here is detail. Seems quite a few people have had this issue. I have have restarted the package numerous times. Its frustrating. I wanted to run everything on my new synology but its prooving an issue. Maybe might be better runnning on a virtual box install on an old pc instead.

/config folder is \myDS\Hass\[hass.io](http://hass.io/)\homeassistant - here are should be all configuration files for Home Assistant (excluding any add-ons).

If you are having issues with your setup, addons, naming,… Then you can make copy only of that folder and when you recreate everything, just stop HA and paste/write over all of the files in this folder.

The link you posted below your post is not related to this. Initial post was about RaspberryPi, and that version of setup is using HASS OS (let’s call it like that)., while we are using Synology’s implementaion of Linux as OS.
Also, big difference is that RPi implementation is officialy supported, running Synology with hass.io is officially unsupported by both HA devs and Synology.
On the other hand, running it in Docker, is supported.

But to try to answer you about Supervisor panel not being available. Can’t help you.
I once had that issue, restarted package in Package centre and it worked.
Some users had to restart multiple times, others were successful with using Docker to stop supervisor container and start it there.
Some restarted Synology something I would never do as this is Linux box and also using Docker, and this fixed it for them, while others couldn’t get it back up and running after Synology restart.

My experience is excellent, on both Original Synology (2 models) and Xpenology. On Xpenology I had to restart Supervisor to get Supervisor panel working.

Some turned of VPN and Surveillance station to make everything work, but I run them for years and turning off would be impossible for me and didn’t cause any issue.

There are bunch of people that I personally know that run HA on Synology, most of them running version that fredericke made, without a glitch, but I’ve seen some struggling with it in community.


Hi @BeardedConti,
Thanks for clarification about the start from scratch!

In meantime I succeed in getting HA back working. And it’s running smooth again :wink:
Things I did to get it working again:

  • I first manually changed the local port of the observer within the docker container. As I got an error that the port was already allocated.
  • Then it seemed that there were 2 homeassistant images within docker. An older and newer one. I firstly removed the hass.io synology package and then manually removed the oldest homeassistant image within the synology docker.
  • Then I reinstalled the hass.io package again and it was working again and I could finally have access to the supervisor tab.

Great to hear that you got it working!
Did you by any chance install Home Assistant package too or had HA Docker? It’s strange that you had two of them.
And yes, that would result in error - from what I’ve tested (by mistake), none of them would work if two of HA tried to start at same time.

No I never installed the Home Assistant package, always the hass.io package from SynoCommunity.
I uninstalled the package. However in Synology docker, there were 2 images available: if I remember well, 1 version 115 and an older 113.

I deleted the old image and installed the hass.io package again and it was working again.
In meantime I am on 116.1 and everything is running pretty well.
And thank you guys once again for all your efforts! :+1:

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If they are just images, that’s no problem. If they are containers, that’s problem. Images are updated (new one is downloaded) each time you upgrade HA.

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A special thank to @BeardedConti : he saved my hassio.
I ha no time the days before but today I uninstall the complet package and re-installed it from the synocomunity. I give details because maybe it can help other people.
[edit] : I remember that I deleted too the HomeAssitant in docker, but I don’t remember well if I did it before or after to re-install the package.
Hassio took a few minutes to be available but finally it ran.
Surprise : I had near of all my previous installation with to need to restore anything.
All except Hacs and File editoron the left side.
The supervisor was off too (blank page). I noted that Hacs had errors in the notifications.
So, I deleted the hacs directory in custom_components and put the fresh downloaded hacs.zip file.
As it was imposible to restart HassIO from it’s webpage, I stopped it from the package center and re-ran it.
Fine : Hacs was back ! But File Editor still missing on the left menu.
The supervisor was back too, and File Editor seems to be ok. By clicking on it, I uncheck “show on sidebar”, rechecked it and restarted it.
Yupeeeeeeeeee ! File Editor is back too on my left side menu.
And now, as far as I’ve checked, and seems to be correct again !
So, thanks to @BeardedConti for its help and to Frederike for his package !

Configuration : DS218 with last DSM6 (and 6Go of RAM).


Hi @fredrike .

Unfortunately I still get the same error starting deCONZ after upgrading deDONZ despite having upgraded to the latest Hass.io version. (20200910-2)

I believe it might be because of having the wrong version (the previous one) of deConz running while doing the upgrade to latest Hass.io? (Did a snapshot restore to get it back to a working state.)

Is it only “patched” once or should a script run with every boot? If only once is it possible trigger it to do it again or do you have an idea of an other solution. Otherwise I will be stuck with version v5.3.3.

Thanks in advance!

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc…exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms…exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes…
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts…
[cont-init.d] firmware.sh: executing…
/usr/bin/GCFFlasher_internal.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libQt5Core.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[11:14:07] INFO:
[cont-init.d] firmware.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] nginx.sh: executing…
[cont-init.d] nginx.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] novnc.sh: executing…
[cont-init.d] novnc.sh: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
[11:14:13] INFO: Websockify waiting for VNC to start
[09:14:13] INFO: Starting udevd…
[09:14:13] INFO: Running the deCONZ OTA updater…
[09:14:13] INFO: Running the OSRAM LEdvance OTA updater…
[09:14:13] INFO: Running the IKEA OTA updater…
[11:14:13] WARNING: Your direct VNC access is not protected!
[11:14:13] INFO: Starting VNC server (local/no)…

[11:14:20] INFO: Starting websockify…
[11:14:23] INFO: deCONZ waiting for VNC to start
[11:14:23] INFO: Starting the deCONZ gateway…
deCONZ: error while loading shared libraries: libQt5Core.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[cont-finish.d] executing container finish scripts…
[cont-finish.d] done.
[s6-finish] waiting for services.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the TERM signal.
[s6-finish] sending all processes the KILL signal and exiting.

Post #2 states:

So, send me a Pm.

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@fredrike: Works like a charm still!


I added my maybe quite rare problem that I had early in the installation to the google docs - conbee stick not found solved with startup script to the gdoc that you have been writing on. Just remove if it is not valid. Good idea to get everything written down.

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Hi and thank you, I would like to reach you by DM to get some ideas but unfortunately, since “I’m a rookie here” I don’t seem to able to that yet. :upside_down_face:

@fredrike its normal?

And can I fix this somehow? (I checked, there is no such folder here)

Yes, check post #2 .

Well, create the folder and see if the errors go away then. I don’t think it really matters.

I have been trying to get the Numato 32 Port USB GPIO expander working on Synology for some wired door sensors and have hit a roadblock. I have used Screen and can see the GPIO ports status update with Putty and have watched HA when loading access the device ID and Set Notify to off but after that point it hangs the startup waiting on the integration. I was wondering if this issue is related to the Integration or related to the Synology native package before I put in a ticket on the core. Thanks in advance!

I’m sorry, I don’t have an idea of what is going on. Open a new thread and paste some more information.

Please, how to have a solution for synology 3.10 kernel running deconz addon?? :frowning: :frowning: