Home Assistant Supervised (previously known as Hass.io) on Synology DSM as native package (not supported or working atm)

Thank you very much for the time you’ve spent to come up with this solution. I first removed those lines from the config file and then repeated downgrading the supervisor. It worked somehow. I needed to ‘reinstall’ all of my addons, but this was quickly done. I assume, it just set some paths and did not have to download anything.
After a couple of restarts and restoring snapshots, it actually worked. All of my devices are gone and I need to repair them all again, but at least this is possible now.

I’m absolutely disappointed from the SnapShot-feature. After the first two or three times restoring an older version, the system still showed default values in e.g. the z2m config files. I also tried different snapshots from different weeks, but just shortly before I wanted to give up, my old configuration was restored. I don’t know why, but this feature looks more promising than it actually is.

To avoid that in the future, I will switch to the VM version of HA. Unfortunately, my Synologys are all running on ext4 devices, so I first need to get at least one drive emptied and then changed to btrfs. Let’s see how this works. At least, in this case the whole VM might be taken as snapshot and reverting should always be possible.

Anyways, always updating in fear that something will break ‘the evil and unsupported system’ is ruining the fun.

Thanks again.

I have also decided to start an installation of the VM version of HA (I already have a hdd in btrfs) but for now it is on standby again because I have gone from having a 15/20% CPU usage to 75/80% just by having that VM up.

There must be some other way … I don’t know if someone with more experience in docker can advise us on whether it is possible to install debian on a docker and install HA from there. Synology’s Virtual Machine Manager is rather inefficient.

Ok, manual updating docker seems to fix the problem. You can try this method -> https://github.com/markdumay/synology-docker

But be warned that this it interfering with the stability of Synology. Anyway, it works for me

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I can confirm this is working from updating supervisor.

is compatible with the 416play docker? (apk from 918+, docker for 416play isn’t supported)

I do not know the answer to this question. It seems to me that the application itself stays. Only some parts/files are replaced. So it seems to me that it should be ok …

Ps. There is always backup (I used it once to test if I was able to return to the original docker and it worked)

Unfortunately, my deleted lines where gone today and I’m back having the same error as before.

self.sys.scheduler.register .....etc...... supervisor

I don’t know, what happend, but yesterday I’ve deleted those lines and double checked afterwards. They were gone and the file properly saved. Now they are back. Yesterday I restarted the supervisor a couple of times, but could this be responsible for those returning lines?

Either way, I have to go through it all again … and fearing that tomorrow it will break again? Oh my…

Should this be incorporated into the startup script?

Could you give some more details?

And my hassio setup also crashed, I had updated node-red that didn’t want to boot anymore. And saidly node-red req atleast supervisor v2021.02.0 … so I am out of luck I guess?

I really, really hate it how home assistant is going with this stupid, ugly “we do not support it” approach. This is just the end of home assistant I am guessing… which I hope it will not be but I can just cannot imagine that this is going the right way.

hi, I also followed this advice from @rdekruyf and I had no problems.
Personally I only commented on the line about the update

I tried to restart the supervisor several times, both from its button and from docker. your problem doesn’t happen to me. are you sure you haven’t done something wrong?

do you see lines like this in the log?

i think it is possible that the file will be overwritten if you do a supervisor update manually

How did you realize this? I updated Docker , but the Containers aren’t starting anymore… the necessary supervisor container isnt there anymore…

do not update docker! It messed up all my containers and is not a solution for my use DS918+

First of all, this is not my repository, I just found it and its work for me.

What I did?

  1. I have disabled the hass add-on
  2. I downloaded the repository while being logged in with ssh and being root.
  3. I ran the script with backup option
  4. I ran the script with update option
  5. I turned on the hass add-on

The only problem I encountered was the incorrect working time of the container

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If you are just using this for home assistant I guess it is fine but I am running a whole lot more containers and that made a big mess with env stuff being erased and containers unable to start. This could be because I am using the BTRFS file system.
For everyone, read this first: https://github.com/markdumay/synology-docker/issues/42

And if all of us ask for a new docker update we might be able to get it :slight_smile: ?
Fill it out !


I just checked the log, but this line saying ‘ignoring Supervisor updates’ is not there. Also restarting HA did not bring up this line.
But I checked the file I modified and both lines are still gone. So I hope I messed up something yesterday and today it’ll survive the 24h limit.

On the other hand, my system seems to be somehow fishy. I’m happy that my automations are back to normal, but all of my history graphs are empty, just showing the message ‘loading data’. But only in case that there is more than one sensor shown. If I remove all but one, the curve is nicely displayed. But once I add a second sensor, the curve disappears and it is back to ‘loading data’. I have no idea, where this could be coming from.

I just wanted to say, that I love your work and appreciate second you spend on this! Please don’t listen to people, who get everything for free, and still aren’t able to say “thank you”. I don’t know what others say, but I can say myself, that YOUR WORK is making my experience of home assistant much better, than many other integrations. Thanks to you I have a free unused raspberry pi, I have a much better working system, and hence less energy costs. Your work is awesome!!!

Thank you !


Hey @fredrike, I love your work too and will never complain ! Because of your hard work we are able to use this wonderfull piece of software on our synologys…
Don’t lose faith or interest in this just because some people does not understand the whole process of this thing.
I think many are just not understanding that someone, like you, did all this because he is passionate, and FOR FREE… You know, some are just not developers and not really intelligent… But you seems to be, so just be it again and don’t lose it :slight_smile:
I would be glad to help, but I’m afraid my knowledge is not enough to be helpful. If you need anything (not complicated) I can do. I have a Syno with docker. Please let me know


Hi guys,

Same thing as you but worse : after update and reboot of the syno, supervisor won’t load in HA (so cannot install SSH terminal addon), hassio_cli container won’t start (no other container except homeassistant and hassio_supervisor works…), so no CLI to downgrade supervisor, I’m in a bind here… I’d love to downgrade supervisor and stop updates, but don’t know what to try anymore.

The containers that won’t start all show this :

Start container hassio_cli failed: {"message":"failed to create endpoint hassio_cli on network hassio: adding interface docker13d27a3 to bridge hassio failed: could not find bridge hassio: route ip+net: no such network interface"}.

Thanks a lot for any pointers

Remove the Hassio addon from package manager, delete all the containers related to your HA setup. Remove the hassio network and reinstall the addon, wait 30 minutes and all should be a little better.

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Thanks @nivong it worked !
Now I’m going try to downgrade the supervisor and see if I get all functions back.
In the meantime I installed HA on a Debian virtual machine and restored a snapshot (all went great), I’m only a few tweaks away from having a solid backup system ^^
God I love this community, HA is awesome, thanks to all who participate !