Home Assistant Supervised (previously known as Hass.io) on Synology DSM as native package (not supported or working atm)

Sorry, but maybe you don’t understand the problems behind this. Its not that Home Assistant has problems with Synology, its just the fact, that Synology has outdated docker packages. You can’t complain about home assistant, just because Synology doesn’t update their packages… and since home assistant is developed everyday, you can’t expect that they stop their development, just because Synology does. Of course that’s not good for us, since we have a Synology, but you can’t blame Home Assistant for that. We should be thankful, that there are many other viable options … why don’t you use them?


I have a ds418play with 8GB of ram. Is there any tutorial where can I read more how to implement this solution of VM on synology… Actually I’m facing the same issues as everyone using docker.

I used this guide here:


You can try it. But I have a 218+ and not a “play”-model. Don’t know the difference in this.

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Frank, thanks for your work.
But you must also understand us. We had a 100% working system, there were no failures, and bugs. Yes, it was not supported, but working, with the functionality that suited us.
And at one not perfect moment, it stopped working, not because of Synology, but because Supervisor was updated on its own, and we, as users, cannot influence this. Thus, we are deprived of a working system, offering to urgently engage in reinstallation or migration to other supported systems. But wait, we had a working system, I would prefer to just stay on the old version, and only then think about how I can switch to the new version, if I need it, or already stay on the old version.
If the system simply remained in an un-updated state, with the message “Updating is not possible on unsupported systems”, but at the same time it would be fully functional within the version available to the user, this would be correct in relation to users (an unhealthy state also broking functionality and therefore does not suit us).


OK, I take your arguments, but if you want to help as you write above, write how it is possible to automatically stop the supervisor update (I am satisfied with what works for me and I do not need further updates)

Thank you for clearing this out (I’ve been using the non Supervised version myself for HA production but using the Supervised to get access to the wonderful addon-store).

I’ve updated my first post with this text pointing to the Docker installation method:

Perhaps @BeardedConti (our video and support guy) can write something about the process of migrating from Supervised to “plain” docker.

The native python version on Synology (and some of the required packages are unfortunately too old or non existing) so this is actually a no go (I think most of the recent Synology models support docker anyway).

It’s been a great ride but eventually things have to end. All code on the package is available from here: spksrc/spk/hassio at home-assistant · fredrike/spksrc · GitHub. My early findings on running hassio on Synology is documented in this gist: hassio.sh · GitHub


We actually did this, it is called “unhealthy”, however, reading up this thread everybody was not happy about that, and the only thing happened was: how to disable the unhealthy checks. Worse; there is a PR open on the Syno community to disable that job by default.

Yet, you now complain we didn’t stop auto updating in case it became problematic?

Again, all these warnings were here to emphasize that this method was not future proof.

As for 100% working, that might have been the use case for you, however, this method consists of workarounds and the start topic even lists things that do an don’t work. I would not call that 100%.

In the end of the day, the kernel used by Synology is almost as old as my grandpa. More issue will occur over time, not just with Home Assistant. This will already becomes clear when running, e.g., deCONZ or OpenZWave QT on your synology (directly, no addon or Home Assistant involved).

TL;DR: This method is and was always unsupported, simply because it wasn’t designed this way and because of heavy outdated system packages. Like it or not, but it isn’t workable for our project :man_shrugging:


It does stop automatically updating on synology, unless you disabled the unhealthy jobs. In that case, it is your own doing it updated itself into a broken state, as the unhealthy job was in place to prevent just that.

I’ve closed that PR :slightly_frowning_face:.

I’ve created a PR that removes HA Supervised from Syno community.

@fredrike Just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work on this. It’s a real shame to see it wrapped up but clearly there are just too many things in conflict to keep this going.


Thanks Fredrike for all the years of joy I had with HA on my Synology.
Now trying to find odroid hardware for HA, it seems impossible to find anything (similar to HA Blue, or Blue itself) as there is an enormous chip shortage worldwide…


Many thanks for what you’ve done for Synology users, it’s a pity it ends like this. Without this project, I would not have used HA, thanks again.


Thank you for your empathetic approach to users who had functional systems (in an unhealthy environment) … pity, pity and once again pity

I’m looking at upgrading my NAS to one that supports VM and run Supervised trough that.

Well you can still run HA Core (but you’ll miss the addon-store)

but i need addon packages (dnsmasq, duckDns, esphome, mopidy, motioneye, ssh and web terminal, …)
I am an ordinary user and not a unix expert -((

But still you can run (all) addon’s as separate containers. And it works great too.

@fredrike, a big thank you from me as well for your work.
Without you I would not be a HA user.


I’ve started preparing for this when we had previous change with unhealthy, so definitely will do that. Some more commands are needed but experience is great, stable and supported! :smiley:


If you run synology that supports VM, then just go using those paths. Install Debian and you should have HA Supervised up and running in no time, just be sure to look for UFW since it automatically blocks your port. For me is moving back my HA + Supervised to my Lil ol RPI4 and left some docker like MQTT for Synology. It works great to combine with remote Portainer I’m simply running single docker hahahahahaha…

Thanks a lot @fredrike for your work here and your support. It has been a lot of fun to use this implementation the time that it lasted.
I will move forward to use dockers now, but I did not want to leave without sending you my regards and gratitude.
Keep up the good work and your healthy curiosity and willing to experiment.
It´s been a great ride.