Some months ago I migrated from a classic HA docker container to HA Supervised on a host running HA and a bunch of other docker containers.
To keep containers up-to-date I’m also running watchtower on that host. Before running HA supervised, I always used the com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=false label for the homeassistant container to prevent watchtower from updating HA automatically.
Now, as the HA containers are managed by the HA supervisor, I’m not able to define custom labels for containers anymore and this causes an issue with watchtower trying to update the HA supervisor container several times a day.
Surprisingly, watchtower only tries to permanently update HA supervisor but never tried to update the homeassistant container, despite the exclusion label not being set anymore.
This behaviour didn’t cause any serious troubles so far, fingers crossed.
But I want to get rid of this anyway. Not only because watchtower is spamming my mailbox with mails about updating HA supervisor several times a day, but because it’s asking for trouble in the long term, letting both watchtower and HA supervisor manage the same containers.
So does anyone have watchtower running nicely with HA Supervised? Is there any other way to tell watchtower to leave all hassio containers alone without using the exclusion label mentioned above?