Home Assistant - Support 101 Hangout June 26th, 7pm EST

Join us for the first of many virtual sessions surrounding the very capable automation platform, Home Assistant.

Register @ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/home-assistant-support-101-getting-around-in-home-assistant-tickets-25943868810

This Hangout will be your opportunity to learn more, and understand some of the in’s and out’s of your system. Many topics are going to be covered, including:

  • Getting around within the platform once you’ve completed one of the simple install methods.
  • An overview of adding components, customizations, automations, and templates
  • Ongoing maintenance and upgrading
  • Time for Q&A

The goal is to cover many of the common questions and hurdles that come up regularly in the Gitter channel and community. If you have questions, we’ll have answers.

If you have any questions, or need help now, head over to the Community forums or Gitter channel.

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I will be there as well to help out with the Q&A

Will this be recorded?
Would have liked to attend but it’s at 1AM where I’m at and I get up at 4,45AM for work :stuck_out_tongue:

It shouldn’t take longer than 3 hours so I think you should be fine :wink:

Tempted to stay awake :dizzy_face:

I think recording it should be fairly easy. Apologies on the significant time difference. The next one will be earlier in the day for EST so it’s at least evening for most European users. Hopefully that will be a bit more accommodating for all parties.

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Future times being more euro friendly is appreciated. :+1:

Link was available on eventbrite.
It’s now available as a recorded Google Hangouts.