Home assistant Unifi controller

Hi @jaroprofe, personally whilst the controller installed ok in HA, I had endless issues with devices being adopted, then dropping out of adoption, pending adoption etc. I worked on this for weeks but without success. In the end I installed a Unifi controller instance outside of HA on the same host as what hosts my HA instance and not had a single issue since. Thanks

Hi @scottda thanks for your quick response.
I looked for the solution of the addon because I have installed Home Assistant OS and the Raspberry is completely occupied with this operating system.
I would have to migrate everything to a supervised installation in docker for example and I donā€™t know if itā€™s a simple process.
How do you have it installed?
Thank you.

Hi. I run a PC with a Windows host, I then run Oracle VirtualBox with a VM hosting the HA instance. I installed the Unifi controller on the native Windows host and it works a treat, not a single issue since. Hope that helps. thanks

Indeed, thatā€™s how I have it at work with a NUC and it works very well, although from time to time the virtual drive closes, but at home I use a Raspberry and I donā€™t know if installing Windows as native is the best option.

On the other hand, going back to the addon, in the documentation it says the following:

-Toggle Override Inform Host.
-Change the Host for Inform to match the IP or hostname of the device running Home Assistant.

I donā€™t know where this is changed and I donā€™t know if this affects device integration.

Thank you.

sorry @jaroprofe I am not able to advise you on this as I no longer have it installed within my HA instance as its sitting natively on my Windows host now. Hopefully someone here is able to help you out re this question. thanks and good luck

Hello @scottda

I already have the system working wonderfully in my Home Assistant Addon
The key was to put the IP where the Unifi server is hosted in System/Advanced/Host for Inform

Attached screenshot:

Thank you.

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