IT’s not so long ago, a rebuild of the DB was made, following by “Tweaks”, to reduce writes to Disk, and reduce CPU-Usage
Such Tweaks, is also called “House-Holding” i.e why writes to disk, and use CPU, when you can “hold” certain Datas, in the Memory.
So Most OS’s obviously checks ( How much Ram am i Provided with ?, ok, 4GB, … lets use an average(or slightly above) ) , OR the OS discover ( Cool, i got 8 GB, …lets use an average(or slightly above) )
Does any of you have any problems or worries related to your “known” findings ? , or is it seeing such graphs/statistic which “worries” you ?
If you haven’t got any performance issues, you should just be happy that the also Mentioned in release notes previously, seems to work just fine.
I Mean it’s not like the 1 instance with 4GB ram, is hitting the top all the time, looks very stable below 2GB, causing less writes to disk, and less CPU-usage
And the 1 with 8GB, you most like have a few more “memory consuming” integrations running, instead of a Huge amount of read/writes to disk, by the CPU, and yet it doesn’t seems like your instance is constantly “hitting the roof”
I have also , or do often keep an eye on CPU/MEM, and as Wally Mention, after each update, there is a slight increase, which use to settle down, but ofcause it can also be do to a “Specific use-case”
NON of you have mentioned which HA install you got, nor which Integrations/ ADD_ONS , and/or How and What you use your HA-Server for.
Only providing a picture each is saying Nothing
( 2 hours ago i installed latest-core.11.1, it’s already (Back to “Normal”) … even thou i did encountered some “lack” in the UI, " in RAW-Conf-Editor" when editing a 1500 rows view/dashboard, no idea yet whether it’s do to latest update, or i just have to much “streams” etc. in this view