Home Assistant v. Amcrest and SSL - FIGHT!

So, I’m replacing my Foscam cameras with what are arguably better IP cameras from Amcrest. For one, they support modern, self-signed certificates for HTTPS/SSL, and a much more robust configuration overall.
Problem is: Home Assistant
Amcrest Camera Integration does not support self-signed certificates, nor does it have a way to ignore them.
The Generic Camera Integration documentation has ‘verify_ssl’ listed as an option, but I tried that and HA said: Bite-Me, that setting is in valid.
The Generic Camera Integration also lists ‘still_image_url’ as optional. Well, that too is BS. I tried it and HA spit out: required setting ‘still_image_url’ not found.
On top of all this, again the crappy documentation for Generic Camera, says under ‘verify_ssl’:

or you have a self-signed SSL certificate and haven’t installed the CA certificate to enable verification.

But I cannot find ANYWHERE anything documenting how to install a CA certificate from a self-signed device, only how to have HA create its own self-signed certificate.

Any ideas? Or am I just screwed again with HA? (this is an ongoing theme…)

You don’t tell your version in your crappy post, “still_image_url” was made optional in 2022.2
“verify_ssl” is definitely there, so there must be some crap in the configuration you didn’t show


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Has anyone found a workaround for this? There are 2 issues in Github, both auto-closed as stale. Why don’t they remain open until fixed?

The upstream python-amcrest library already has an ssl_verify option.

I’m guessing this is the next step for me, but how the hell did you guys manage to enable SSL with self-signed or Letsencrypt certs?

I create self signed PEM certs using mkcert, and when I press upload, I just get a green checkmark, but the certificate doesn’t actually upload.

Amcrest support just confirmed their cams don’t accept self signed certificates.

Lm fucking ao