Home Assistant version 2021.05 - DHT integration

I have updated Home Assistant to version 2021.05.
Fo the AM2302 DTH Temperature and Humidity sensor connected to the Raspberry PI 4 GPIO I have updated the pin number with the “D”.

Now the integration not give data (unknown state).
The log for the component say : “[homeassistant.components.dht.sensor] Unexpected value from DHT sensor:”

The integration page ( DHT Sensor - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io))warn to install libgpiod2 before.

I have Home Assistant OS and I ask how I can install this library with command: sudo apt install libgpiod2.

Otherwise I don’t know why with the latest version of Home Assistant the integration does not work.

Thanks in advance.

Hi, axgio did you find a solution for this.

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I have a related problem. Just trying to install via ssh the library using the command sudo apt install libgpiod2 but the command doesn’t work: command not found
Why does it happen?
Снимок экрана 2021-11-28 в 02.18.50

A number of reasons -

  1. That is just a docker container, and installing software inside it, does not make it available to the rest of home assistant, it will only be available inside the docker container you install it in, and only until you update to the latest version of the addon.

  2. apt, is for debian based machines and Home Assistant OS (and this particular add-on) are not using debian, they use a completely different command for installing software, but it won’t make any difference - because of #1

Thank you very much for your reply! But I don’t understand what can I do then?