I noticed today I wasn’t able to get to the Home Assistant web interface. When I checked, the Virtualbox VM screen is showing:
Welcome to Home Assistant HASSIO login:
Coincidentally, I noticed that my HUSBZB-1 USB stick’s LED turns on for about 5 seconds after being physically connected… then, turns off… even though Windows 10 Device Manager shows both serial interfaces (COM3, COM4) of my HUSBZB-1 as connected and shows “This device is working properly” in the driver.
Is the reason why my Home Assistant VM wont start up because there is a problem with my HUSBZB-1? If so, what can I do to resolve this issue? Do I need to buy a new one; and, swap it out?
I tried calling tech support for my Nortek HUSBZB-1. However, they said I need to call HomeSeer. When I call HomeSeer, the only thing I can do is leave a voicemail in their general mailbox.
It would be great to know if this issue is caused by a malfunctioning HUSBZB-1 stick or not; and, if I need to replace it with a new one.
2021-01-15 15:00:10 ERROR (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder] Error executing query: (sqlite3.DatabaseError) database disk image is malformed
This was a great tip. It turns out the home assistant database was corrupted. I just renamed “home-assistant_v2.db” via sFTP and restarted my VM. Everything came right up.
In the past, when my database file was corrupted, I was still able to access the log file via samba share (to confirm that the database was corrupted). Since this time I couldn’t get to the log file via Samba share, I incorrectly assumed that HA wasn’t starting up. Your tip was when I realized Home Assistant WAS starting up; just not the samba addon.