Home Assistant with Control4 - Helpppp

As part of Home Automation (HA), we have an official integration that contacts Control4.

So, I add the Control4 integration. I enter the IP address, username and password… it connects… but then it only shows one device: the Control4 controller, and none of the lights/blinds/etc.

Then I realized that there is no explanation of how to use this item.

I investigated github and searched for it online, but I could not locate any documentation.

Does anybody know how to retrieve the inventory of lights I have in control4? or in general how do i use the integration ?

Referring to : Control4 - Home Assistant
Note : no ability to connect via composer im a regular user.

Please advise,

No one knows :confused:

never mind found the solution.

It’s good form to post the solution to your problem. Otherwise, someone searching for the same problem just finds a dead end.

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Please use the following github link

This will allow the light but all the rest is not yet developed.

If anyone has used this integration can you please provide some feedback regarding whether this works and is worth the effort to set up. I looked at the GitHub page and the project hasn’t seen any activity in 3 years. I don’t know if this means it’s abandoned. I like the idea of unifying control interfaces and the fact that Control4 has very limited, expensive and restrictive options for interfaces means taking this approach opens up a lot of new and much more flexible and cost effective solutions. I don’t however like the idea of using a control system to control another control system but since Control4 doesn’t allow many alternatives this is at least something.

yep works and worth it

Thanks. I set it up several weeks ago. It was very easy to set up and has been working surprisingly well for me. Other than the small lag at times I was surprised how responsive it is. After several weeks of operation it has been very stable and reliable and has offered me features and options I wasn’t expecting. Considering that this is an interim, bridging solution I am very happy and appreciate the people and work that went into making this available. It does however break my heart that there isn’t a solution I am aware of for flashing the Control4 hardware so that it can work directly with Home Assistant. Such a waste and environmental tragedy that perfectly good electronics will end up in a landfill because of closed source. Oh well, at least I’m able to get more life out of the hardware before I’m forced to remove it.