I don’t know the app, I just downloaded it to check out, but it refuses to connect for some reason.
Up till now I use the Safari Shortcut, which you get by opening HA in your Safari browser, then saving the page on your Home Screen. I never had issues and HA sees the login token from when I logged in internaly when I am not at home. So it’s simple and straight forward.
Maybe you want to try that out as alternative?
Http. I cant fint advanced settings…should I edit the actual configuration file located on the server to get access to these settings? Sorry, I’m a complete novice in this area…!
The configuration file is pretty simpel - please note that I have inserted the duckdns instead of my qnapcloud-address. None of them are working through the app, but both are working through the web browser.
Name of the location where Home Assistant is running
name: Home
Location required to calculate the time the sun rises and sets
latitude: 55.8703
longitude: 12.3574
Impacts weather/sunrise data (altitude above sea level in meters)
If you put https:// instead of http:// it does not work. That is likely a large part of the issue.
I am not too familiar with that installation Do you have a Hass.io menu on the left side? If not what instructions did you use to install DuckDns in Home Assistant?
Regarding the duckpins-installation…I might have done it the wrong way. I just registered with duckdns, so the address points at my IP-address (which is dynamic). I thought this worked the same way as the QNAP-system, where you also register with them, so they keep track of the right IP-address.
I think you need to look again at https as it’s essential for security when connecting from outside. Did you set up the port forwarding and is the certificate in the correct file.
I don’t know much about how the iOS app works but it could be that as duckdns isn’t working as it should the app won’t connect
Thanks for the answer. I’ll try to look at a https-access instead. However, the port forwarding is ok, because I have access from outside through the web browser.
Thanks for the answer. I decided to install a container station with Ubuntu…and that worked
The HA is really amazing…i experienced that it is possible to control my Unifi installation through the HA - although I have a controller on my QNAP, this is really smart
Now I have to dig into all the other things available in the HA.