Home Assistant without internet

Why does Homeassistant stop working once the Internet goes down ? Is there any way that I craete My own server then switch the internet off and then use HomeAssistant ?

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It shouldn’t, other than for the components you’re using that are Internet based. Mine certainly hasn’t when my Internet has failed.

But… helping you work out the problem will require more information from you, so we can help you. To start:

  • What components are you using?
  • Is it all automations, or just some? If some, please share them via https://hastebin.com/ and we can see if there’s any obvious issues

Thanks for your reply .
I was actually trying to implement a close war type of thing .I have created an Ubuntu server and I have another device on which I have homeassistant installed .I am trying to control various devices with my homeassistant such as Knx devices ,Marantz etc which are all IP based .Now I want to create a local network so that if my internet is down I can still control knx lights by fetching the required data from my Ubuntu server inspite of internet .
Please help me because I am a newbie and don’t know how to proceed .

All of that should work fine, as long as those devices don’t require Internet connectivity.

Your first post suggested that you are having problems when your Internet fails. Your follow up post suggests that’s not the case.

So, do you simply want to know if it will work, or are you having problems?

Right now I have my homeassistant which contains automations to control knx devices .(for this I have edited the config.yaml file and writtten the IP addresses of all the devices).Those work properly when the internet is running but if I disconnect my desktop from the internet the following screen is displayed .

Also this is the screenshot of the page when I try to open web Ui of hass io without internet .

so when I tried to read more about this error what I was able to found was that homeassistant needs internet connectivity to support ceratin devices .So for that I thought of creating my own server where I can put all the required data so that whenever in future the internet is down I can still control my devices .

Also can

Can you tell me how to proceed further with this @Tinkerer

I suspect you need to put all devices on Static IP addresses rather than DHCP or DHCP Reservations

@frank451 I have already done that .No luck .Is there any other modification that I should do ?

Well, cloud: failing is entirely expected.

KNX failing may require you to configure it statically, rather than relying on discovery.

Can you suggest me a way to create a personal cloud for homeassistant so that it works even when the internet is down?

Also,for the knx lights I have given their respective IP’s but stil they are not working .

You have TWO components not working when the Internet is down, one of which is cloud and clearly requires the Internet. Home Assistant is still working, we just need to help you sort out your KNX configuration so that that component also works.

Share your config please.

This is my config file

config.yaml (2.0 KB)

You REALLY should be using secrets to avoid putting sensitive information directly into your configuration, like where you live.

In addition to history:

  • Google TTS requires working Internet, maybe try Pico TTS instead.
  • map requires the Internet to function
  • updater requires the Internet to function
  • cloud (that your screenshot shows) requires the Internet

Now, neither map nor updater matter for automations, and the loss of cloud only impacts your Alexa integration. Your Policy not fulfilled error I answered in your other thread.


which other thread ?

Ah, it was just co-incidence that two people posted the same problem within such a short period of time.


Thanks for the information.

I kept my ALLOWED_NETWORKS list empty and now I am able to open hassio and configurator without connecting to internet via my localhost IP and port 3218.

I tried commenting the lines which contained maps ,updater and cloud .And then again I restarted Hassio but still it is not able to connect to KNX when the Internet is down .

Then there are two possibilities.

  • The first is that there’s something about KNX that requires working Internet
  • There’s something about the way you’ve set up KNX that requires your router to be working

To check, you’ve disabled the Internet by unplugging the WAN cable from the router, not disconnected HA from the router?