Home Assistant won't connect to Apple TV

I have Apple TV 4 which was working with Home Assistant for quite a while until recently. Home Assistant shows Establishing a Connection to Apple TV.

Upon looking at the log files I find:

2017-10-18 00:16:42 WARNING (MainThread) [pyatv.tag_definitions] Unknown data: b'103'
2017-10-18 00:16:42 WARNING (MainThread) [pyatv.tag_definitions] Unknown data: b'103'
2017-10-18 00:16:42 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.media_player.apple_tv] A <class 'pyatv.exceptions.AuthenticationError'> error occurred: failed to login: 503

This happens about every 10 seconds.

Next, I check if atvremote scan shows anything. It doesn’t show any Apple TV. :frowning:

Apple TV was working with Home Assistant before. One of the recent updates for either Home Assistant or tvOS may have broken something.

Any suggestions on how to proceed to get this working again?

+1 this is happening to me as well on 0.55.1

I submitted an issue in GitHub here: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/9966

Thanks for that. I don’t use HA for much, but movie lights are a nice perk.

The exact same problem happened to me while using VPN on my Kodi media player. I don’t know what caused this problem. Did you solved this problem