Home Assistant wont start after install on RPi5

Have redone the install process several times with the same results, I cannot reach Home Assistant on the IP-adress, I can SSH into the Pi, but that’s it.

My Linux skills are very limited, what can possibly go wrong here?

What is in the logs?

I need some guidance here, don’t know how to get to them?

if you can SSH into the Pi, you can issue commands:

ha core logs
ha supervisor logs

Which install process are you using?

I am using the Raspberry Pi imager 1.8.5

ha core logs
-bash: ha: command not found

Did you follow these instructions?

Can you connect a monitor and keyboard to your PI and get the HA command line prompt?

Yes, that’s what I followed, unfortunately I have no monitor with that connector at hand.

What error do you get when you try to access the Rpi using http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8123 (where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the RPi IP address)?

What do you get when you try http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:4357

I get same response on both:

This site can’t be reached refused to connect.



I used Chrome but have tested Edge as well.

You will need a monitor and keyboard in order to view the boot process and get more information.

Thanks, still very confused as the process is so simple, what can go wrong?

I just removed all partitions from the card and reimaged again, same result, the Pi starts, gets an IP, I can SSH into it, but that seems to be it.

It is with som shame I write this, but as others may do the same mistake I do it. This was due to a user mistake, I did not follow the instructions and picked the wrong OS, the general 64 bit instead of the HA dedicated.

@MaxK thanks for your patience and help.