Home Assistant won't start after node-red update

I’m running HASS on a raspberryPi with node-red as addon, but suddenly today I couldn’t logon to node-red. The node-red addon is maybe autoupdated. After a while I tried to restart Home Assistant, but it won’t start. The home-assistant.log says:

ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [homeassistant.util.json] Could not parse JSON content: /config/.storage/core.config_entries
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/util/json.py”, line 30, in load_json
return json.loads(fdesc.read()) # type: ignore
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/json/init.py”, line 348, in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/json/decoder.py”, line 337, in decode
obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/json/decoder.py”, line 355, in raw_decode
raise JSONDecodeError(“Expecting value”, s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 58 column 9 (char 1978)

It seems that the node-red running fine “in the background” since I got notification from it.

Any suggestions?

Deleted all entries in /config/.storage/core.config_entries, and then it worked again.

Did this have any other effects?

Looks like a lot of data is in this file.