Home Assistant Yellow, bluetooth error

I have an issue with my Yellow, under Settings > Devices & services, it says “Bluetooth failed setup, will retry.”

I can also send the diagnostics json if anyone is interested.

Any ideas how to fix this?

Need more than HA Yellow. There were 3 versions offered.
See: Home Assistant Yellow
None had a Blue-tooth module, just how it was powered, type of CM4 compute module and if you want the NVMe SSD memory expansion card in theM.2 slot
The only way to get that was on a special CM4 compute module that had radio support for zigbee, bluetooth or WiFi.
See: the Area: Wireless Connectivity

For Zigbee you would add a USB Zigbee dongle off the yellow usb port

I’ve now added a Shelly 1PM Mini to a light switch and added it to HA. In HA I set the Bluetooth scanner mode to Active. In the Shelly app I turned on Enable Bluetooth gateway.
Is that all I should need to do to get this working as a Bluetooth proxy for HA?

Home assistant Yellow has its own zigbee/matter radio, not from the CM4 module.