Home Assistant Yellow Boot up


Complete noob here. My home assistant Yellow just arrived. I ordered it to be working out of the box. When I plugged it into the power and router, there are no indicator lights that light up and I am unable to access the home assistant local site.

Is the device defective or am I doing something wrong? Looked through the few set up videos online and it says it should boot up with lights flashing but nothing happens.

Thank you

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I notice the same with my new Yellow. No LEDs, no Ethernet link, doesn’t look like it is booting.

Does the it need OS to be installed? Nothing about that in the quickstart guide from the box though.

I found that the Compute Module wasn’t properly seated. After fixing that, it boots and at least shows LED activity.

I’ve just received my home assistant yellow and it was also not seated correctly and would not boot up until I took it apart and got it installed correctly, this time it turns on and only the red led is showing? I’m also a complete noob and yellow was suppose to be my gateway into learning HA. Helppp.

I am experiencing the same issue. I re-seated the CM4 and I’m not getting any lights at all. Seems like a dud.

Here is a guide:
Home Assistant Yellow Guide (home-assistant.io)