Home Assistant Yellow - builtin ZigBee

Yes, there still is. But i’ll try to solve it piece by piece.

Now i’m in this point. How i tell to terminal where this file is located? To where i should put it? I feel stupid again…
E: I uploaded it to /homeassistant with file editor. Now it is in the HA at least.

I have no idea, where this file is, or how i can find it… How i should type, when it should be in /homeassistant (or /config) folder?
E: Oh sh*t. One letter error, p can’t be b…
E2: Solved partially. Small problem left. $ is not regonized for command… When try to flash.
E3: Now i’m stuck in here. Device is wrong…

E4: It needed some modifications. Had to change start folder and device path. Now it is running again. Will see, what happened… A lot of work to forget dos commands… This is very different world.

E5: All seems be working still. Range tests go some other day… There was no silabs device mentioned in coordinator properties. But version changed, as should.
Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 04-40-38 Asetukset – Home Assistant
E6: Shortly now, it seems that there is now lot more direct connections to coordinator.

Great news, thanks!
Does it definitely improve the signal or could still be a placebo?

There is now a very long direct connection to next signal amplifier, about 15m. But at same time very poor range to opposite direction, there is relay about 3m away and it won’t work… All repeaters are removed now near from coordinator.

E: This range is now very difficult to valued. Zigbee network visualization leaves temporary removed devices still visible and shows them good contact… But definitely it is now better, or i just have good luck now. There is at least one quite long gap and working. Some other devices also stay in network, places where they not initially worked at all.

This visualization of zigbee network is useless. Why it is in there?

Anyhow, i put two good routers back in business, and everything seems work fine now. Every direction.
Conclusion: The network is not worse than before. Like to say its better now.

Really have to wonder. That Ikea repeater3 at middle of top has been in table without power now two days. But there is nice connections to it.

Yeah, it’s looking pretty confusing.
The device is offline, and links probably just mean that other devices still have it as a neighbor. I wish the visualization could be switched to only show active links being used in real time though.

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in the meantime let me (try to) find the easiest way to flash the firmware …

I almost went the manual route but just in time was pointed at the Silicon Labs Flasher Add-on. If you are using the built-in radio on Yellow, this is definitely the easiest way to update its firmware. No need to install advanced SSH terminal, etc. Just install the add-on, then set one configuration parameter to select “ttyAMA1”, then disable ZHA and start the add-on. The log should confirm that the firmware was installed (automatically installs the latest version). Then just enable ZHA again. Couldn’t be simpler.

That’s for sure, but the add-on would install the only version in the repo:

emberznet (gecko sdk 4.3.1) for yellow

What we’ve been discussing though, is how to flash the manually built patched firmware.

Yes, sorry. I missed the “patched” bit. But, as it happens, when I was getting acquainted with the Flasher add-on I noticed that it appeared to offer an option to flash an image of your choosing:

Did you try that and found it didn’t work?

To try it out, the patched firmware should be hosted at publicly available website first.
It’s already making this approach more cumbersome to me for the purpose (which is oneoff custom push).
If/when there’s a need for more permanent solution, there are multiple ways to properly and conveniently automate it (contribute to existing addons or create a new one).

Is it still working well?

Yes. No missing devices anymore. Mission accomplished, all previous Nexa 433 devices are replaced and all work now fine.