Home assistant yellow - zigbee module firmware update?

I have HA Yellow, i use zigbee2mqtt, and I see in z2m-settings-about : Coordinator revision: build 297
But on this page I see a lot of versions :

Now… I’m concerned : HomeAssistant Yellow is a All-In-One product, so… can I / should I try to update the firmware of the zigbee module? Isn’t there any official recommendation / guideline…?

If it’s ok to update the zigbee firmware… any tutorial? any feedback (does it work? :D)


After several attempts, I ended up on this page:

In the terminal, I executed this:

universal-silabs-flasher \
    --device /dev/ttyAMA1 \
    --bootloader-reset yellow
    flash \
    --firmware EmberZNet/beta/NabuCasa_Yellow_EZSP_v7.4.0.0_PA32_ncp-uart-hw_115200.gbl

…and then it worked.

Hopefully, this will also be a solution for you.


Hi, very stupid question how to get this flasher running in HA on Yellow? Was looking for PIP and Python and unable to solve this. Thanks Mac

Go to Settings > Add-ons and search for Silicon Labs Flasher. In Configuration do:

Then you should be able to start the addon. It starts, checks for new firmware, downloads it, updates radio and closes.

One important thing. Make sure you stop anything that might be using the radio like ZHA or zigbee2mqtt.


Thx! Will try this!