Home Assistent Yellow Running 2023.5.x Keeps Hanging Every Few Minutes


For the last 5 days (so, starting 2023-05-05), my Home Assistant Yellow keeps randomly hanging and requires power cycling before it is responsive again. It will remain responsive for a few min - hours, before becoming unresponsive again. Screenshot by Lightshot reveals the uptime from my prometheus instance.

This instability appears to correlate approximately with one of the recent 2023.5.x updates (still trying to find the prometheus query to visualise Home Assistant versions over time). Has anyone else experienced this?

Home Assistant Version:

Home Assistant 2023.5.2
Supervisor 2023.04.1
Operating System 10.1
Frontend 20230503.3 - latest

Hardware Details:

Home Assistant Yellow PoE
Raspberry Pi CM4108032 (8GB RAM, 32GB Flash, WiFi + Bluetooth)
250GB NVMe
Powered over PoE from a Ubiquiti Unifi Dream Machine SE

What do logs say? What does the hardware health say? Try a different power supply to rule out PoE issue.

My bad, I forgot to mention the logs don’t reveal anything noteworthy about either Home Assistant Core or Home Assistant OS.