Home Assitant - Honeywell, EVO Home Automation, target termperature not working

Dear Community,
I have a EVO Home with 5 round thermostats and using Honeywell Int’l Integration. Everything is working fine, I’m able to see teh Climate Atributes, Temperature and Status. I want to create an automation to receive an notification with message AC On, later to turn on the AC when Entity Climate.Office Target Temperature reaches 22 degrees or above. For this I use automation code below:
"description: AC Test

  • platform: numeric_state
    • climate.office
      above: 20
  • platform: state
    • climate.office
      attribute: preset_mode
      from: permanent
      condition: [ ]
  • service: notify.notify
    metadata: { }
    message: AC on
    title: AC on
    mode: single"

For whatever reason this code does not work. When I trigger Automation Manually everything is fine. But when I change the thermostat target to 22 or above, this automation is not triggered. Any idea why?

Best Regards,