import appdaemon.plugins.hass.hassapi as hass
import datetime
# HVAC Thermostat Controller App
# Args:
# hvac_living_room:
# module: hvac_controller
# class: HVACController
# min_cool_temp: 67
# max_heat_temp: 71
# thermostat: climate.thermostat_living_room_mode
# doors_windows:
# alexa: media_player.living_room_alexa
# air_cycle_minute: 3
class HVACController(hass.Hass):
def initialize(self):
self.thermostat = self.args["thermostat"]
self.min_cool_temp = self.args["min_cool_temp"]
self.max_heat_temp = self.args["max_heat_temp"]
self.doors_windows = self.args["doors_windows"]
self.alexa = self.args["alexa"]
self.air_cycle_minute = int(self.args["air_cycle_minute"]) if "air_cycle_minute" in self.args else None
self.air_cycling = False
self.run_daily(self.turn_off_in_the_morning, datetime.time(8, 0, 0))
self.listen_state(self.set_fan_mode_auto, self.thermostat, attribute = "fan_mode")
self.listen_state(self.enforce_temp_limits, self.thermostat, attribute = "temperature")
self.listen_state(self.enforce_temp_limits, self.thermostat, attribute = "target_temp_high")
self.listen_state(self.enforce_temp_limits, self.thermostat, attribute = "target_temp_low")
# if a door or window is open for 60 seconds then shut of thermostat
if self.doors_windows:
for door_window_sensor in self.doors_windows:
self.listen_state(self.open_door_window_wait_for_shut_off, door_window_sensor, old = "off", new = "on", duration = 60)
# TODO: Add the attribute = "state" in the above listen_state call as there is a bug right now
if self.air_cycle_minute is not None:
now =
next = now.replace(minute=self.air_cycle_minute, second=0)
next = next + datetime.timedelta(hours=1) if now > next else next
self.run_every(self.air_cycle, next, 60 * 30)
#self.run_daily(self.decrease_heating_temp_after_midnight, datetime.time(2, 0, 0))
#self.run_daily(self.decrease_heating_temp_after_midnight, datetime.time(3, 0, 0))
#self.run_daily(self.increase_heating_temp_before_morning, datetime.time(4, 0, 0))
#self.run_daily(self.increase_heating_temp_before_morning, datetime.time(5, 0, 0))
def turn_off_in_the_morning(self, kwargs):
self.call_service("climate/turn_off", entity_id = self.thermostat)
def set_fan_mode_auto(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
if new != 'Auto Low' and self.air_cycling == False:
self.call_service("climate/set_fan_mode", entity_id = self.thermostat, fan_mode = 'Auto Low')
self.call_service("notify/alexa_media", data = {"type":"tts", "method":"all"}, target = self.alexa, message = "Your attention please. AC fan mode has been set to auto.")
def enforce_temp_limits(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
hvac_mode = self.get_state(self.thermostat)
if hvac_mode is None:
if hvac_mode == 'heat':
temp = self.get_state(self.thermostat, attribute = "temperature")
if temp > self.max_heat_temp:
self.call_service("climate/set_temperature", entity_id = self.thermostat, temperature = self.max_heat_temp)
self.call_service("notify/alexa_media", data = {"type":"tts", "method":"all"}, target = self.alexa, message = "Your attention please, the maximum heating temperature limit in this room is " + str(self.max_heat_temp))
if hvac_mode == 'cool':
temp = self.get_state(self.thermostat, attribute = "temperature")
if temp < self.min_cool_temp:
self.call_service("climate/set_temperature", entity_id = self.thermostat, temperature = self.min_cool_temp)
self.call_service("notify/alexa_media", data = {"type":"tts", "method":"all"}, target = self.alexa, message = "Your attention please, the minimum cooling temperature limit in this room is " + str(self.min_cool_temp))
if hvac_mode == 'heat_cool':
temp_high = self.get_state(self.thermostat, attribute = "target_temp_high")
temp_low = self.get_state(self.thermostat, attribute = "target_temp_low")
if temp_low < self.min_cool_temp or self.max_heat_temp > temp_low or temp_high < self.min_cool_temp or self.max_heat_temp > temp_high:
self.call_service("climate/set_temperature", entity_id = self.thermostat, target_temp_high = self.max_heat_temp, target_temp_low = self.min_cool_temp)
self.call_service("notify/alexa_media", data = {"type":"tts", "method":"all"}, target = self.alexa, message = "Your attention please, the temperature range limit in this room is " + str(self.min_cool_temp) + " to " + str(self.max_heat_temp))
def open_door_window_wait_for_shut_off(self, entity, attribute, old, new, kwargs):
operation_mode = self.get_state(self.thermostat)
if operation_mode != 'off':
self.call_service("climate/turn_off", entity_id = self.thermostat)
self.call_service("notify/alexa_media", data = {"type":"tts", "method":"all"}, target = self.alexa, message = "Your attention please, this room's door or window has been open since the past 60 seconds. I've turned off the air conditioning.")
def air_cycle(self, kwargs):
self.air_cycling = True
self.call_service("climate/set_fan_mode", entity_id = self.thermostat, fan_mode = 'On Low')
self.run_in(self.air_cycle_off, 75)
def air_cycle_off(self, kwargs):
self.call_service("climate/set_fan_mode", entity_id = self.thermostat, fan_mode = 'Auto Low')
self.air_cycling = False
# def decrease_heating_temp_after_midnight(self, kwargs):
# temp = self.get_state(self.thermostat_heating, attribute = "temperature")
# new_temp = temp - 1
# self.call_service("climate/set_temperature", entity_id = self.thermostat_heating, temperature = new_temp)
# self.log("AUTO_DECREASE_TEMP")
# def increase_heating_temp_before_morning(self, kwargs):
# temp = self.get_state(self.thermostat_heating, attribute = "temperature")
# new_temp = temp + 1
# self.call_service("climate/set_temperature", entity_id = self.thermostat_heating, temperature = new_temp)
# self.log("AUTO_INCREASE_TEMP")