HA 2021.5.x (latest as of May 19 2021) can’t be reached remotely via Home Cloud anymore. It just hangs for a minute and then Server is unreachable (in Safari. In HA ios app, just empty screen with the settings cog wheel). I’m not aware of any changes to network or HA config.
It does happen after disabling/reenabling Remote control. For a couple of minutes. Then it dies again.
HA Settings/Home Assistant Cloud says Connected. Clicking the connect link at https://account.nabucasa.com leads to hanging/unreachable, even from LAN.
Sign out/sign back in results in me being able to login with the cloud URL from LAN but still not working from WAN (mobile app from WAN shows Loading data indefinitely)
I am getting notifications still, so there’s some connection, just not the UI. everything works inside LAN. Restarting HA didn’t help.
Any tips? Thanks.
EDIT: Here’s the log. There’s a lot of warnings but everything I need (other than cloud access) is working.
They’re no help, saying they see the connection and the certificate is fine. Well, no WAN access for me, so something is clearly broken. What can I check?
i had issues too with nabucasa, in my case only when i do a cold boot of HassOS, seems the time was then incorrect, leading to ssl / token issues
when i did just a restart of HA afterwards, i had no issues
i fixed it by setting up another NTP server on HassOS , or uograde to HassOS 6.0 rc2 , there is a fix for timing issue, it pauses untill the time is correct on boot
It looks like my UTC zone on my router was suddenly off (+2 instead of +1). I have no idea how this happened as I did NOT change it (and noone else has access) or, if it was wrong the whole time, HA Cloud didn’t mind prior to 2021.5. So far it’s working as expected.
ok, then it was a time issue like me
it was indeed working on 2021.4 , but 2021.5 , they changed somethig in pycognito , for a token refresh
i created an issue on github 2 weeks ago about this, but no developers responded
I am just starting to see this error.
Same symptoms - HA working perfectly for a long time, then on a server reboot, this has stopped working - with error as above.
I’m running HA core.
I have checked the time on my server, and it is the correct time and timezone.
I have also checked IPv6 is disabled.
Any suggestions beyond “check the time” (I’ve also raised a support ticket).