Home Connect: alpha testers wanted

I updated my module to support multiple HOME CONNECT device types without having to add a module for each device. You can keep your existing refresh token:

Oven (steamer & normal oven), dishwasher, washer and dryer is working fine.

Hey all, can anyone whoā€™s using a homeconnect dishwasher tell me if it can report whether the door is open or not?

I want to set up an automation to tell whether the dishes are clean or dirty, and this is the part Iā€™m missing with my smart plug based setupā€¦

Or can the washer just tell if the dishes are clean somehow?

door state is working, even if the dishwasher isnā€™t onā€¦

No, the washer doesnā€™t know if the dishes are cleanā€¦ you could perhaps create some sort of template sensor that defines the dishes as clean after a program did run and the door wasnā€™t openedā€¦
but as soon as you open the door and donā€™t remove the dirty dishes you cannot tell if it is cleanā€¦

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Yes, that was exactly what I was thinking in terms of automation. Okay so itā€™s worth jumping through the hoops to set up SSL for this then, thanks for the confirmation!

You donā€™t even need SSLā€¦ It is working without using SSL or exposing your HA to the web.

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Oh my god, thatā€™s great! I had been planning to use the below, didnā€™t know about this one. Thanks so much!



Custom component for Home Assistant to connect appliances supporting the Home Connect standard (WIP) - DavidMStraub/homeassistant-homeconnect

I tried this but get:

  "error": "unauthorized_client",
  "error_description": "client not authorized for this oauth flow (grant_type)"

Can you please make a detailed step by step walktrough?

Please see the installation part in the Readme-File. I used this as well and worked. I used the linux console for the commands for the OAuth2 procedure.


  • Ensure your HOME CONNECT device is set up and working in the Home Connect app.
  • Copy this folder to <config_dir>/custom_components/home_connect/ .
  • Create an account on https://developer.home-connect.com/.
  • Register an application. Pick Device flow for OAuth flow.
  • Once you start this sequence, you have 5 minutes to complete it (or youā€™ll have to restart from here):
    • curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "client_id=${CLIENT_ID}" https://api.home-connect.com/security/oauth/device_authorization | tee tmp.json
    • Go to verification_uri in a browser, type in user_code . Log in using your (end user, not developer) Home Connect account and approve.
    • export DEVICE_CODE=$(jq -r .device_code tmp.json)
    • curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code&device_code=${DEVICE_CODE}&client_id=${CLIENT_ID}" https://api.home-connect.com/security/oauth/token | tee access_token.json
    • jq .refresh_token access_token.json

Put the following in your home assistant config:

  - platform: home_connect
    refresh_token: "YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN"


I have been looking at this integration for a week now or something.
It worked fine when I installed. All actions, door open/closed, programms, all detected correctly. And it has been running fine untill yesterday. Now I dont get info of the device anymore. It is there in HA, but the info is not updated I think. dont know why. Nothin in the log file I think.

Is there anything I can do to help you with the right logs ? to try to understand it?

Dear nontijt

Thanks for using the integration. Do the HC devices correctly appear inside the HOME CONNECT App on your smartphone?

Try to add home_connect to your logger by adding the following to your configuration.yaml, then you should get additional infos:

  default: info
    custom_components.home_connect: debug

This, perhaps? https://github.com/DavidMStraub/homeconnect/issues/3

I expanded the installation and usage part for my integration:

Actually I didnā€™t notice the problem that the sensors stop working? Which integration did you use?

I do not want to create a mess with the integration from DavidMStraub, so maybe Iā€™ll just create another topic to avoid further confusingā€¦ Sorry for that.

Now a seperate topic: HOME CONNECT INTEGRATION (working even without SSL & not exposing HA to web)

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@cotwild can you please start a new thread? It is really confusing to have Q & A on two different integrations in the same thread.

Sorry, just noticed you just announced that! :+1:

Sorry, I might be causing more uncertainty than needed.

The integration I used is the one in HACS.
In the bottom of this page, there is a link to this thread, So I assumed this is the correct place. But I am unsure now, reading there are two versions.

Is this the right thread? Sorry if I misposted.

If this is correct, I will add the debug line written above.

Naive question: is there any timing on when the pull request for this integration into HA will be merged?

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I wish there were. Iā€™m frustrated about it too, but the problem is that I still have no clue how to fix this bug: https://github.com/DavidMStraub/homeconnect/issues/3. It doesnā€™t make sense to merge the PR until this is fixed. Any help is highly welcome.


Great work, i have the option to test the following things

Oven HM876GDB6S

Dishwasher SN678X66TE

Extractor hood LR29CQS25

Cook top EX877KYX5E

Coffemaker CT836LEB6

One thing i can see i already are missing is the option to control the light of the hood, i hope you will have a look at sometime. Edit there is already a issue on it https://github.com/DavidMStraub/homeassistant-homeconnect/issues/57 :slight_smile:

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Hi guys, I canā€™t get this to work using a nabu casa url. Has that been done before?

is there an update on this topic already?
I am also looking forward to this feature :smiley:

Hi, I have everything in place. but upon adding the integration (the above one is the list, there are 2?) I am forwarded to an authorization siteā€¦ but I cannot get passed thatā€¦

I even am locked out after a whileā€¦

I am 100% sure i have added the correct credentials and in the registered application on the developer portal as wellā€¦

After timeout:

what can be wrong?