I was looking for the integration of my HOME CONNECT devices (SIEMENS, but fully compatible with BOSCH), but somehow the integrations needed SSL and/or exposing HA to the web.
After some research I found the BOSCH_DRYER python integration by GKREITZ, which i first copied and optimized for washer, dishwasher and oven. This caused too many requests, so I decided to create one integration for all HOME CONNECT devices. (Coffee machine, fridge aren’t supported yet as I do not have the possibility to test them).
The integration is still quick & dirty, no multi-language support yet, feel free to add any requests or changes.
This is a HOME ASSISTANT component to read the states of a HOME CONNECT Oven, Dishwasher, Washer & Dryer.
(Based on the BOSCH Dryer module from GKREITZ: https://github.com/gkreitz/homeassistant-bosch_dryer)
This will give you five sensors for each HOME CONNECT device you have:
door :
, orunknown
. https://developer.home-connect.com/docs/status/door_state -
program :
, …,unknown
. https://developer-staging.home-connect.com/docs/dryer/supported_programs_and_options - remaining : time remaining in seconds, or unknown.
- elapsed : time elapsed in seconds, or unknown.
state :
, …, orunavailable
. https://developer.home-connect.com/docs/status/operation_state
If the devicse is off/not connected to wifi, you’ll get a state of unavailable
and the rest as` unknown``.
- Ensure your HOME CONNECT devices are set up and working in the HOME CONNECT app on your smartphone.
- Copy this folder to
. - Create an account on https://developer.home-connect.com/.
- Register an application. Pick
Device flow
for OAuth flow. - Once you start the following sequence, you have 5 minutes to complete it (or you’ll have to restart from here):
- LINUX Console:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "client_id=${CLIENT_ID}" https://api.home-connect.com/security/oauth/device_authorization | tee tmp.json
- Go to
in a browser, type inuser_code
. Log in using your (end user, not developer) Home Connect account and approve. export DEVICE_CODE=$(jq -r .device_code tmp.json)
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code&device_code=${DEVICE_CODE}&client_id=${CLIENT_ID}" https://api.home-connect.com/security/oauth/token | tee access_token.json
jq .refresh_token access_token.json
- WINDOWS: it should be possible to get your access_token using an HTTP API Tool like Postman or Insomnia (not tested)
- POST Request to: “https://api.home-connect.com/security/oauth/device_authorization” with HEADER: “Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded” and DATA: “client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID” -> This will provide you a JSON-formatted response, you’ll need a
from it. - Go to
in a browser, type inuser_code
. Log in using your (end user, not developer) Home Connect account and approve. - POST Request to: “https://api.home-connect.com/security/oauth/token” with HEADER: “Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded” and DATA: “grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code&device_code=DEVICE_CODE_FROM_PREVIOUS_REQUEST&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID” -> This will provide you the needed
as a JSON-response.
- POST Request to: “https://api.home-connect.com/security/oauth/device_authorization” with HEADER: “Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded” and DATA: “client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID” -> This will provide you a JSON-formatted response, you’ll need a
Put the following in your home assistant config:
- platform: home_connect
refresh_token: "YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN"
Save and restart HA. The sensors for all your HOME CONNECT devices should be generated automatically.
I used the custom component ‘multiple-entity-row’ to display the states of the HOME CONNECT devices. For better readable timer i am using a template sensor.
friendly_name: "Oven remaining"
value_template: >
{% if states('sensor.siemens_hbXXXXXXX_state') == 'finished' %}
{% elif states('sensor.siemens_hbXXXXXXX_state') == 'inactive' %}
{% elif states('sensor.siemens_hbXXXXXXX_remaining') == 'unknown' %}
{% elif states('sensor.siemens_hbXXXXXXX_remaining') | float < 61 %}
{{ states('sensor.siemens_hbXXXXXXX_remaining') + " sek" }}
{% else %}
{{ ((states('sensor.siemens_hbXXXXXXX_remaining') | float / 60) | round(0)) | string + " min" }}
{% endif %}
- entity: sensor.hb_timer #Template Sensor for a more readable time
type: custom:multiple-entity-row
icon: mdi:window-maximize
name: Oven
entity: sensor.siemens_hbXXXXXXX_state
name: "Status:"
entity: sensor.siemens_hbXXXXXXX_program
name: Program
entity: sensor.siemens_hbXXXXXXX_door
name: Door
entity: sensor.siemens_hbXXXXXXX_elapsed
name: Runtime
Remarks on the API
This is built using the Home Connect API, documented on https://developer.home-connect.com/. There is plenty in the API that is not exposed via this component. Using the API, one can also remote control the dryer, but I haven’t figured out a use case for that yet. The API is a straightforward REST API with Oauth authentication. There’s also a server-side event feed giving pretty quick updates. Originally, this module was just polling, but I figured it’d be fun to test out asyncio, so I rewrote the module to be async and cloud-push.
The API is a bit flakey, and tends to time out/return 504 during European evenings. Currently, this module retries forever, with an exponential backoff. I’ll fix to something a tad better if/when I get sufficiently annoyed.