Home connect alt - status ready, but not detecting appliances

I’m really struggling with getting my Bosch Dishwasher connected. The Home connect alt integration is connected but not showing the dishwasher.

I’ve got the Home connect alt installed and it says its connected. It picks up one device with three enitities; debug info, refresh and status. The status says ready.

However I don’t get my dishwasher appearing as a device.

One debugging thing I found was I’ve tried disconnecting my phone with the home connect app on it from my wifi and it sees the dishwasher in the HC app but nothing in Home assistant.

These are my log files:

This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.home_connect_alt.button
Source: custom_components/home_connect_alt/button.py:289
Integration: Home Connect Alt (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 11:50:31 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:02:08

{ "log_mode": 0, "name_template": "$brand $appliance - $name", "entity_settings": {}, "sse_timeout": 15, "api_host": "https://api.home-connect.com", "appliance_settings": {}, "cache": false, "language": "en-GB", "translation_mode": "local" }


This error originated from a custom integration.

Logger: custom_components.home_connect_alt.button
Source: custom_components/home_connect_alt/button.py:291
Integration: Home Connect Alt (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 11:50:31 (3 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:02:08

{ "appliances": {}, "_disabled_appliances": [], "_sse_timeout": 15 }

If you need more info please let me know, I’m new to all this and still learning simple things like how to request assistance!

I recall having some issues too, but can’t remember the specifics. However, I do recall that the pre-install steps like having your phone off wifi were important.

I too have a Bosch Dishwasher, and found the Home Connect integration to rarely work, which is why I switched to Home Connect Alt. However, it also regularly struggles. There is a “Dishwasher Connected” entity which is often “on” despite most of the other entities going unavailable. So if “Dishwasher Power” is unavailable for 10 minutes, I do an HA API call to reload the integration (it often goes unavailable for a minute or so, but recovers by itself). This seems to fix it until the same thing happens ahlf a day or so later. Just to set your expectations.

If you need it the API call is:


I’m not sure if the xxx is the same for everybody. Find the value in /config/.storage/core.device_registry.