Home connect & bosch washing machine door status

Hi hive mind,

I’ve got my washing machine connected through home connect to home assistant. All seems to be working fine, execpt the specific thing i wanted; The door sensor.

At the end of the program the machine switches to state=finished. This triggers a notification. If a person is at home and after 30 minutes the door is not opened, it will send another notification untill the door is openend.

Now, the problem is, the first time after the machine goes to the finished state the binary sensor “door” does not update. If the door is opened, then closed and opened again, it works perfect. In facts, it works when the machine is on, when its on standby, when a program is beeing selected. It always works, execpt the first time after the program is finished.

And that is the only thing i wanted it to do :joy:

I espect this to be a specific problem at the bosch home connect side, but maybe someone has encountered this aswell and found a fix?