Home Connect Cannot Turn Off Bosch Dryer

I have the Home Connect integration working fine with my Bosch tumble dryer for sensors and reporting states/ sensor values.

But the one the thing I cannot get it to do is actually turn off the dryer using either the ‘switch’ or ‘device’ turn off dryer power command.

When I use the home connect app I can turn the power off without a problem, just can’t figure out how to do this with home assistant.

Is this expected behaviour or am I missing something here?

same issue here, would like to know if this is possible :slight_smile:

according tot the api it is possible:

Small update but no progress…

Seems like there is a problem with the integration, I came across this error in the logs will troubleshooting another problem.

Logger: homeassistant.components.home_connect.switch
Source: components/home_connect/switch.py:128 
Integration: Home Connect (documentation, issues) 
First occurred: 20:37:06 (1 occurrences) 
Last logged: 20:37:06

Error while trying to turn off device: {'description': 'Key BSH.Common.Setting.PowerState has unknown enum type or enum member BSH.Common.EnumType.PowerState.Off.', 'key': 'SDK.Error.InvalidSettingValue'}

Going to try and figure out who the dev is for the integration and raise a bug

Ok I worked out it’s a HA core integration - have raised an issue: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/82952

I have the same issue with a Siemens washing machine and a Siemens dryer. I think it’s related to these appliances fully shutting down when they are shut off. You can’t power them on afterwards. In the Home Connect app you receive an additional warning when trying to shut off these appliances, so it might be a different command.

Your GitHub issue has been closed by the way.