Home connect integration, rate limit of 1000 APIcalls

I get an error now on home connect integration that I’m using more than 1000 API calls per day.

homeconnect.api.HomeConnectError: {'key': '429', 'description': 'The rate limit "1000 calls in 1 day" was reached. Requests are blocked during the remaining period of 2814 seconds.'}

Looking in the init.py I see this:

If scan_interval is one minute then 60 calls per hour multiplied with 24 hours = 1440 API calls.
I did not have this issue before though, anyone else have this issue now? I guess this limit has been enforced lately from Home connect

I know the 1000 API calls a day has been there before. I ran into this issue in the beginning with making many setup errors. I haven’t had the problem for ages, but now since the latest update of HA Core I ran into the issue as well. So maybe it is a change in the core…?

Since 2021.6 you can disable the builtin polling, and do it your way via automations.

Not sure it will work here, though, because the integration is tagged as a “push” and not a “poll”

I don’t see that option on the Home connect integration.

Got this email today…

Emulate rate limit errors
We recognize that up to this point testing how your application handles rate limits involved overwhelming the Home Connect API with requests to trigger those specific responses. Undesirable, to say the least!
We have added this case to our error emulation tool, so you will now be able to instruct the API to behave as if you exceeded the limits on command. Because we all know you would never hit these limits on your own! :wink:
Check it out here!

hello i reach this limte too, do you have an idea on how i can limit my api calls ?

Best reagrds

As far as I understand from the API documentations you have 1000 API calls per application.
So you could create two applications and switch which one to use when the first one hits the limit using automations to trigger the update entity call.

I lowered my API calls to every two hours and use the update entity to get more often updates when my washing machine is running.

How did you lowered interval of API calls?

I lowered the number of “extra” API calls.
The integration does what it does, but I use the API for other calls also and I lowered those.

How this can be done?

The lowering or the use of the same API key?

lowering, I think is is enough to avoid exceed limit

If you don’t use the API key for more than the integration then I don’t know.
I was using it for own API calls and I lowered them.
Not sure about how the integration can be lowered.