Home Connect setup in 0.110


I’m trying to setup the new Home Connect integration in 0.110.
The documentation says:

Redirect URI : <YOUR_HOME_ASSISTANT_URL>/auth/external/callback

Is that URI something that has to be accessible from the Internet by some unspecified party?
I’m asking because my HA instance requires a client certificate to access it from the “outside world” and I’m currently seeing an error message when trying to set up the integration through the web interface.

After clicking on “open website” I’m redirected to https://api.home-connect.com/security/oauth/authorize?... and am presented with an “unauthorized client” JSON error message.


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Hi all,

I got the same problem, any suggestions?
Would be great!

I put my local Home Assistant url as 2nd Redirect URI in Home Connect Applications and it works now!

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Thanks a lot, that solved it for me!
Instead of specifying my usual “https://hass.fqdn/” URL, I used HA’s local IP address, i.e. “http://192.168.x.y:8123/” and it worked.

So, to answer my own question from the original post: the specified URL only has to be accessible from the local network, not from the Internet.


Hey. Hey,
I need some advice.I have installed the Home Connect integration and have successfully connected my Bosch CTL636ES6 coffee machine.
I can’t turn the coffee maker on or off from Home Assistant.If I turn the coffee maker on directly with the button on the coffee maker I can see in Home Assistant that the coffee maker is on,if I select coffee on the coffee maker I can also see the coffee production progress in percentage

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