Home Energy Gateway (Combined Energy Gateway One)

Hi all. I’ve recently had a home energy management device installed. Its from Combined Energy, called Gateway one (https://ws1.combined.energy/docs/Combined%20Energy%20Gateway%20One%20(CET-GW1)%20User%20Manual%20V1.3.pdf)

I was wondering if anyone had seen any work or approach to a Home Assistant integration? I can’t seem to find any info on possible APIs. It would provide perfect inputs to the new HA Energy feature.
Thanks, Matt

I just got one of these units installed and am already underway to reverse engineer the API and create a Python client.

HA integration to follow.

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@timsavage Thanks so much for the reply. I’m no programmer, but do enjoy tinkering with HA. Let me know if I can assist with anything (testing etc.)

Client is working on all the API endpoints that would be needed to integrate into HA. Need to sort out the WebToken refresh/fetch process before I can sign off on this side (I’m currently manually extracting this from the web-portal).

While I have all the basic data for the readings API (this is the main API that fetches time series data on energy usage etc) there looks to be many different types of devices (some of which I don’t have) and many have additional information or a slightly different data schema. It would help greatly if I could get the results of one of these API requests so I can determine the differences.

You will need to be partially familiar with Chrome/Firefox Developer Tools Console.

  • Open the developer tools console and select the Network tab
  • Click on the “Live View” in the Combined Energy portal
  • Look for a request for readings.
  • Right-click the entry and select copy URL
  • Paste the URL into a new tab and copy the output.

API Client code. Currently in an Alpha stage of development, but tests are now being added that will start preparations for a move into Beta stage.

Client code is now at a beta level with all features required for integration complete (including Auth).

I’d still expect the odd bug as this is reverse-engineered without any documentation or description of the API’s behaviour beyond what can be observed and an element of intuition.


Have a working Home Assistant component.

Currently only generating an entity for connection status, and am working my way through other devices (inverters/water heaters etc) to provide the full energy monitoring for the setup.

Will likely start with a simple amount of information in the first PR to homeassistant core before extending the component to support more devices. Will require a lot of testing as I still find the API returns odd responses on occasion.

I am aiming for direct integration into Home Assistant.


A new release of the API Client has been published to PyPI that resolves issues with fields holding nulls and simplifies polling the readings endpoint (see details here Release Release 0.3 · timsavage/combined-energy-api · GitHub)

Update - Nov 7

Ironed out issues with the API and behaviours exhibited by the API and released another version of the API client (see details here Release Release 0.5 · timsavage/combined-energy-api · GitHub).

Work is nearing completion of the HA integration, providing both energy readings along with instantaneous power readings, hot water levels and temperature. The current code meets all requirements for Silver quality as well as meeting almost all Gold and Platinum requirements.

Will publish a link to my clone branch with the latest code once I fix some outstanding niggles.

Update Nov 12

Tests written and PR is ready for approval.


@timsavage not sure if you got this past review, but I’ve been watching and hoping to see it integrated. Would you consider using HACS to have it incorporated as a custom component vs into core?