Hi All,
I have a desire to track home maintenance tasks within HA: AC filters, Oil burner, Generator, Sprinkler System, ect ect.
I was looking for some feedback/improvement ideas on the below design. Any advice/suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
Using helper entities I have a decent base.
For each “Maintenance Item” I create:
- 1 DateTime Helper - Holds due date
- 1 Text Helper - Holds notes for Item
- 1 Number Helper - Holds the frequency of the task (i.e: 6 months, 1 year, ect)
- 1 Input Boolean - Holds a yes or no relating to if I have the appointment booked or not with the provider I use for each Item
- 1 Button generated from Node Red.
The idea is that once the Node Red button is clicked, it will forward the DateTime helper by the amount of months defined in the Number Helper as well as reset the input boolean.
Creating each of these helpers for a single task is a bit tedious but I can’t seem to find a better way to scale this.
- Is there a better way to create helper entities all at once? Could I somehow create all of these entities in one go with a new name?
- Is there a way to automate the creation of entities via the UI? Could I somehow create a “new item” button that would go out and create them with a given root name