Home modes, what are they?

Hi, As UX designer for Home Assistant, I often come across “Home modes” in topics, interviews we conduct with users, and in other research.

I’m curious:

  • What are Home modes to you?
  • How do you use them?
  • What’s the difference between a Home mode and a Scene?
  • How could Home Assistant make this easier?

I have never heard of a Home Mode.
Been using HA since version 0.70-something.

I have the following modes in an input select:

Normal (just me at home)
Guest Home (I am home and a guest is staying)
Guest Away (I am not home for an extended period and a guest is staying)
Away (no one is home for an extended period)
Party Mode (lots of people are visiting for less than a day)

I use this input select as a condition in automations, e.g. I only want my “in recliner chair” automation running when in Normal or Guest Home modes. I also use it at start up to run lists of scripts. I do not use scenes as they are too restricted. Scripts are far more powerful.

At the moment I change the mode manually as it is only changed once a week or so at most.

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Mind that some of my lights are motion/presence activated, so it’s not like the mode necessarily turns them on, it might just activate a working mode for them when they are on.

I have the Home State input_select:

  • Daytime – activates bright day lights
  • Afternoon – switches lights to be warm (yellow, orange)
  • Redtime – switches lights to red (used for like an hour before going to sleep)
  • Bedtime – deactivates most of the lights, keeps some of them red
  • Outside

Physical buttons:

  • next to bed – toggles between Daytime and Bedtime
  • in the main room – switches between all the modes

On my todo list:

  • Outside – vacuuming when I’m gone
  • Movies – special lights for watching TV

Used to be (I moved to a new house recently):

  • Outside – lower the thermostat temperature

What’s the difference between a Home mode and a Scene?

Scenes are useless:

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Mine is called House Mode and it is an input_select.

I have four modes: Preparing, Breakfast, Daytime and Bedtime.
They mainly affect the lighting, music and the alarmo.

The only mode that is “automatic” is Preparing at 5:00am. The bedside lights dim and increase in brightness.

A user pushes a button which advances the house mode. My husband pushes it when he gets up to make me coffee. (Yes, best husband ever). This puts us into “Breakfast”.

I have scenes for the lights based on the house mode. Example scenes: Kitchen Preparing, Kitchen Breakfast, Kitchen Daytime and Kitchen Bedtime.

In some cases the lights only come on with motion. In other cases the lights are always on. Taking the kitchen as an example,

The lights are on in the kitchen regardless of motion. They are a nice welcoming, calm effect. This is a scene.

The lights are on in the kitchen regardless of motion. They are a springtime effect. This is a scene.

If there is motion then the lights are on bright 100%. If there is no motion the lights go out after a period of time. No scene.

If there is motion then the lights are on very dim with calm colours. This is a scene.

The whole home music volume and channel are determined by the house mode.

For Alarmo it arms into armed_home with bedtime and disarms at preparing.

Pain points?

I have a script that is called by various input devices to advance the house mode. I’m not sure if HA could help with that (code below)

My masters is in Human Computer Interaction so I am somewhat anal about everything being obvious to the users. If I put something new in and my husband just starts using it without and “what is this thing” I consider it a win.

alias: House Mode Advance Manual
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: state
            entity_id: input_select.house_mode
            state: Preparing
          - target:
              entity_id: input_select.house_mode
              option: Breakfast
            action: input_select.select_option
      - conditions:
          - condition: state
            entity_id: input_select.house_mode
            state: Breakfast
          - target:
              entity_id: input_select.house_mode
              option: Daytime
            action: input_select.select_option
      - conditions:
          - condition: state
            entity_id: input_select.house_mode
            state: Daytime
          - target:
              entity_id: input_select.house_mode
              option: Bedtime
            action: input_select.select_option
    default: []
mode: single

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My wall tablet displays show this for the house mode.

I used to have it set that a tap would advance the house mode.

That became problematic as the ui sometimes took too long to respond. The user thought the tap did not take / hit and pushed it again. More often than not it put us into Bedtime by mistake.

I changed it to make it so a button tap on House Mode did a “Default (more info)”.

That gives me this on a tap,

which is not that “pretty”.

To improve my UI Home Assistant could give me a nicer, more pretty selector for my house mode. That said there is nothing wrong with the current one. It is just over kill as the user does not need the history.

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Oh… so many

Guest mode - used to make automations more guest friendly. This one is a boolean (toggle) that can overlap with any other mode.

The rest is a select, with the key options being:

  1. Holiday - when nobody’s here for an extended time
  2. Away - when nobody is home right now
  3. Bedtime - everybody is in bed (eg dim all lights)
  4. On - force all lights on

Rooms also have modes that define the overall desired room state

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Thanks for reaching out as you explore this! It’s a non-trivial problem :slight_smile:. There was a good recent discussion about this topic here

My perspective is that while a singular Home Mode item could be useful, it gets really complex with overlapping states (home/temporarily away/vacation mode, morning/day/evening/night cycle, etc). So having multiple key states (currently input_selects) is usually easier (though with it’s own set of complexities as well.)

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My original usage of Home Modes came from the SmartThings world. I used them extensively there, and carried over the functionality in my automations when I migrated to Home Assistant.

I’ve got the following modes configured using an Input Select helper:

  • Home
  • Away
  • Night
  • Vacation

These are used in a wide variety of automations, both as triggers and as conditions. Some basic examples:

  • If mode is away, night, or vacation - send me an alert if any external doors open
  • If mode is away, night, or vacation - auto lock the door after X minutes
  • Lots of random automations are disabled when in Vacation mode
  • Scheduled scenes that apply conditionally - e.g. activate the “Morning” scene at 6:30am but only if the house is in Night mode; activate the “Office Work” scene on weekdays if house is in “Home” mode
  • Automations that automatically change mode between Home and Night at set times, unless other modes are set.
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From these first few responses, you can already see that people use different names for similar concepts. What one calls “Night” another calls “Bedtime”. One person’s “Vacation” mode is another’s “Holiday” mode. And people are passionate about these names - it’s important that we can use the names that “feel right” to us for such a core concept.

So from a UX perspective, if you do incorporate a Home Mode, please ensure that we can change the name/labels to fit our particular preferences! If you provide an “evening” concept, please allow me to call it “dusk” or “twilight” or whatever I like.

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See, for me those are different.

  • Night is for after dark and before bed
  • Bedtime is for everybody in bed
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Many. Home modes (with input_booleans):

  • Home/Away (changes the behavior of automations - tts/notifications etc.)
  • Season (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter) since I want my lamps to turn on or off a little different w.r.t. time depending on the season (important here up in the north). We measure the light intensity in each rooms and turn on/off depending on that but for some reason we want different setting depending on season for each room.
  • Weekends (sat/sun or other free days) - I change some playlists, lights and also when the lights turn off
  • Special periods (christmas, halloween, easter) - I change some playlists, lights and chimes on my door bell)
  • Night (when some of us go to bed - blinds go down in master bedroom, lights turn off, fan turns on - opposite when we turn it off)
  • Vacation (when we are away for longer time) - all tts, automatic playlists are off and also turn off some specific appliances, computers etc. and applying some general light modes in the windows.
  • Party (when we don’t want the lights to turn off at a specific time)
  • Working days (working from home and don’t want tts messages or playlists interfering the online calls (Teams or whatever …))
  • Guest mode - so the blinds or lights in the guest rooms are not automatically turned on/or opened in the morning

Mostly the Home modes are changed by automations or calendar but for some (for example guests, party or working days) they are turned on/off manually.

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Google tried to “help” me once upon a time - I had separate, very specific bedtime and night routines (one got the house ready for bed, dimmed lights and such, and the other turned everything off). It thought it was helping by assuming both terms meant the same thing. After that happened, I had to make some custom routines (I forget the exact terminology in Google-land) to properly trigger the two different scenarios.

Just to reemphasize it for Matthias and the UX team, here are two totally legitimate examples where the names “Bedtime” and “Night” are used in completely opposite ways! If HA does introduce “Modes” for concepts such as “the time period after dark and before bed” or “everyone is away from home for an extended period”, it would be so much better received and user-focused if we could choose our own wording for how those modes are labeled.


I don’t currently use “modes” this way. My life just isn’t that organized.

However, I agree with @PecosKidd that it’s critical to make this kind of functionality extremely flexible. And I’d add, make it optional. Everyone uses HA differently. Don’t box anyone in!

I know that this is opposite what some UX designers want. But for actual users, it doesn’t have to be tidy. It doesn’t have to be beautiful. It doesn’t have to be simple enough for a beginner or outside reviewer to understand. It just has to provide enough functionality and flexibility that we can work it into our own strategy.

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Home: Duh
Home - Night: Basically disables all motion activated lights
Away: Turns up/down HVAC
Vacation: After Away for 24 hours, it turns on vacation mode which repeats light actions from the last 7 days

This is Home Assistant. I can’t imagine they have any plans to make anything static. Even if they did, you don’t have to use it. Just keep doing whatever you’re doing!

I have the same, but got them from Homey Home automation. They even had shiny button stickers that I still use on an Aqara remote:

ps. The buttons are clean, not filthy, the camera is bad with low light. :slight_smile:

Home is present and awake, sleep is everyone is in bed, away is normal absence, vacation is long term absence. So many automations use this I lost count. But for instance vacation mode disables a lot of automations, uses pseudo random lighting in the evening to simulate presence.

  • What are Home modes to you?
    An easy way to set a state for the house to be in
  • How do you use them?
    I have the following:
    Active Mode - All automations including TTS are allowed
    Do Not Disturb - TTS is not allowed
    Event Mode - TTS is not allowed and neither is automated lighting
    Guest - This is DND Mode but also it switches any interface to a guest interface and the guest alarm with alarmo is available
    Protection - This is an away mode with turns on the alarms and simulates home presence
    Sleep - Dims all lights, disables TTS automations and turns off all devices
  • What’s the difference between a Home mode and a Scene?
    Automation controls. Modes can be used as conditions in automations.
  • How could Home Assistant make this easier?
    I’m not sure, dropdown helpers work fine for me and with the level of differences people have with modes, some people prefer booleans, some dropdowns etc. More people should be aware of the functionality improvements they bring but I’m not sure how you’d make this a set thing in the UI