Home movie channel/stream idea

While beeing on vacation in Thailand this week, I had this idea. Because in the hotel room, they have this channel, wich shows random movies all day long. Between every movie there is a break in 5-10 minutes, with a screen that shows the next 5 movies, with showtimes and background music. I dont know how they does this.

Anyways, I would like to build some kind of this movie-channel (Automation) at home. Because, when we are trying to deside wich movie to watch on our plex server, we can never deside wich one. It would be awsome to have this local channel/stream/automation setup, so we could start this randomizing service at any time.

I know it sounds strange but I really think it would be a awesome retro style way of watching movies.

Do anyone of you guys have ideas how to set this up? Or have you heard of any solutions like this?

I have windows and linux server running.



I quite like this idea. Kinda like your own private tv channel but with actual good content. :slight_smile:

My initial thought would be to go with a Python script that reads in the available movies (possibly through Plex or Kodi api), and picks random movies.

For each movie, get the running length. Start movies at rounded 5 minutes. So first one starts at 21:00 for example, takes 1h46m to run, so next one would start at 22:50.

In between, you can generate a static html page with listings and display with chrome cast maybe?

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Cool, it could be done like this I see. I dont know Python though. I might start to learn it then. Do you habe any idea how to cast a static html page to chromecast? People have been asking for this before, I can not find the answer.

Sorry, no clue. It doesn’t have to be a html page that you cast of course… Anything that you can generate and display on screen would be enough.

By the way, this is possible but I’m not saying it’s easy especially since you’ll be learning Python too. In any case, this is the rough approach I would take.