Homeassistant and CCU2/CCU3 crash of rfd

Hello everyone,

I’m new to this forum but succesfully switched to homeassistant 1-2 years ago (came from openHAB).

I’m reaching out to you because I’m facing a stability problem with ccu and homeassistant integration and have no further ideas how to tackle this problem.
After I activated the ccu integration everything works fine but after “some” days vital components of ccu2 (and ccu3) start to crash (rfd). This results to broken integration of course.

I had an old ccu2 running (without any special configuration) and assumed the problem with crashing rfd was some hardware issue. Therefor I replaced it with a recent new ccu3. But even
with the new ccu3 the problem still persists.

Please find version infos and logs below:

  • Home Assistant 2021.12.10 running on FreeBSD Jail
  • CCU3 3.61.7 (new box from the vendor, no special config)
  • Homeassistant shows that the ccu entity is unavailable until I restart rfd + Homeassistant itsself

Homeassistant CCU Config:

    host: ccu3.alex.hunters.lan
    port: 2001
    resolvenames: "json"
    username: !secret ccu3_user
    password: !secret ccu3_pass
    host: ccu3.alex.hunters.lan
    port: 2010
    host: ccu3.alex.hunters.lan
    port: 9292
    resolvenames: "json"
    username: !secret ccu3_user
    password: !secret ccu3_pass
    path: /groups
    host: ccu3.alex.hunters.lan
    username: !secret ccu3_user
    password: !secret ccu3_pass

Logfiles on ccu

messages:Mar 23 10:46:28 ccu3-webui user.warn rfd: XmlRpc transport failed (first try), retrying...
messages:Mar 23 11:23:30 ccu3-webui user.warn rfd: XmlRpc transport failed (first try), retrying...
messages:Mar 23 11:27:48 ccu3-webui user.warn rfd: XmlRpc transport failed (first try), retrying...
messages:Mar 23 12:01:23 ccu3-webui user.warn rfd: XmlRpc transport failed (first try), retrying...
messages:Mar 23 14:58:56 ccu3-webui user.warn rfd: XmlRpc transport failed (first try), retrying...
messages:Mar 23 15:31:47 ccu3-webui user.warn rfd: XmlRpc transport failed (first try), retrying...
messages:Mar 23 15:54:22 ccu3-webui user.warn rfd: XmlRpc transport failed (first try), retrying...
messages:Mar 23 15:56:59 ccu3-webui user.warn rfd: XmlRpc transport failed (first try), retrying...
messages:Mar 23 16:30:51 ccu3-webui user.warn rfd: XmlRpc transport failed (first try), retrying...
messages:Mar 23 18:36:49 ccu3-webui user.warn rfd: XmlRpc transport failed (first try), retrying...
messages:Mar 23 22:22:57 ccu3-webui user.warn rfd: XmlRpc transport failed (first try), retrying...
messages:Mar 24 00:12:41 ccu3-webui user.warn rfd: XmlRpc transport failed (first try), retrying...

(after 00:12:41 the rfd is dead)

Workaround on CCU3

$ /etc/init.d/S61rfd restart
$ ps aux |grep rfd
14558 root      0:02 /bin/rfd -f /etc/config/rfd.conf -l 4

If somebody has an idea how to find the source of this problem …
