HomeAssistant and Reolink Doorbell POE


I’m just making the adjustment to my product :slight_smile: Thank you!

Is there a more recent change?

Can you share if you did anything else in the code?

Thanks in advance

Hey all!

Question, i found this url for the Iphone notification:
fb1675493782511558://1 which works if you dont have a NVR and I happen to have one :slight_smile:

For android I managed to get the URL working with a NVR:
intent: #Intent;launchFlags=0x14000000;component=com.mcu.reolink/com.android.bc.login.WelcomeActivity;S.UID=UID;S.ALMTIME={{now().isoformat()}};S.ALMNAME=Detection;S.DEVNAME=DoorBell;S.ALMTYPE=PEOPLE;S.ALMCHN=1;end

Any one aware on how to click on a iphone notification and go directly to the doorbel with an NVR ?

I’m having a problem where the button press works intermittently. Sometimes the button press triggers my automations (triggered by the visitor sensor turning on) other times it doesn’t. Is anyone else seeing similar issues? I have the PoE doorbell on latest firmware and the reolink app receives the visitor notification on every button press, it’s just the home assistant side that randomly fails.

Can you elaborate on your setup ?

Same VLAN ? NVR or no NVR etc :slight_smile: it will help TNX

Same VLAN (I have a pretty basic home network, all one LAN). No NVR - connected directly to a PoE switch. Doorbell given static IP address within router. Using the official Reolink integration in HA. My HA local URL contains the :8123 at the end.

It seems to have only started to be inconsistent recently - I installed my doorbell in around February and it seemed to work fine for button presses.

just a tip, I have integrated the doorbell with Google/Android TV using the guide below,. works great!


@islanderx I have the same issue with the visitor entity, also a PoE version on same network and my local HA is on port 8123, doorbell has the latest firmware and HA is on latest version.

I needed extra chimes and 5 January I asked Reolink if we can get extra chimes and how many extra chimes we can use, the answer was we can use up to 5 extra chimes but at that time they didn’t sell those, and guess what they still don’t sell extra chimes.

So my workaround was playing chime sound on my Google nest hubs on each floor level, for that I use the visitor entity of Reolink integration, this works. But sometimes visitor entity goes unavailable for couple minutes and comes back, after that the visitor entity does not work anymore, it still shows as available, but it just doesn’t trigger anymore.

To solve the issue not working after being unavailable, you can reload the integration, and it starts working again, till it gets unavailable for couple minutes.

I don’t know if Reolink is causing the problem or the integration, now I created another automation which reloads the integration if the visitor entity gets unavailable and that works for time being now.

Here is the automation:

alias: Reload Reolink
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.reolink_video_doorbell_poe_visitor
    to: unavailable
condition: []
  - service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
    data: {}
      entity_id: binary_sensor.reolink_video_doorbell_poe_visitor
mode: single

Correct, I tried to get a hold of extra chimes as they use a common brand of doorbell, I ordered 2 of them of aliexpress but they seem to use special firmware on them… so no luck so far to get extras :frowning:

Sounds like a integration issue, did some one open a ticket there yet ? Its a better place to have this discussion to see if its reolink or the integration (but if the rest of the bell “works” then it must be a integration thing…

Yes, there was a ticket, but it is closed since the developer thought it was solved:

Opened new ticket:

Well, I asked Reolink when the chimes will be available this morning again and this is the answer:

Dear Ozen, 
Greetings from Reolink Pre-sale Team!
The video doorbell camera can not support multiple chimes now. Our engineers are working on it still.
If you connect the Doorbell camera to the Internet, you would also receive a push/email alert on the phone once there is someone pressing it.
Does it work for you? 
Best Regards,

I told them I have push notifications, but I don’t walk around the house with my phone in my hand…

This was their response on 5 January this year:, just before I bought the doorbell:

Dear Ozen,
This is Jeanine from Reolink Support Team. Thanks for contacting us.
One doorbell can pair with up to 5 Chimes at the same time. 
But sorry that currently, it's still not able to purchase the extra Chimes separately. We will put the Chime on the market as soon as possible. Please stay tuned. 
Any further help is needed, feel free to let us know. 
Have a nice day!
Best Regards
Reolink Support Team-Jeanine

That was not much of a improvement in last 7 months… :rofl:

Regarding the unavailability, I configured the doorbell to reboot daily. This has helped a lot for me.

You can find that option in the Reolink app and in the web interface of the doorbell under System > Maintenance.

I did configure that but only once a week, I am in debug mode for integration owner, he might find something to fix.

I don’t rely on the visitor entity at all(have https on my home assistant, and no nvr). Instead, I set up the ftp add-on, the folder_watcher integration, and an automation using the following settings. This works very well for me, delay is a less than second or two (at most).

FTP Add-On Settings:

port: 21
data_port: 20
banner: HassioFTP
pasv: true
pasv_min_port: 30000
pasv_max_port: 30010
pasv_address: ""
ssl: false
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
implicit_ssl: false
max_clients: 5
  - username: poe_bellcam
    password: a_really_secret_password
    allow_chmod: false
    allow_download: false
    allow_upload: true
    allow_dirlist: true
    media: true
    share: false
    addons: false
    backup: false
    ssl: false
    config: false
log_level: info

(note: because the ftp add-on has some issues around config saving, I have to provide the ssl cert, key and implicit options even though I’m not using ssl. And I’m not using ssl because I couldn’t get the reolink to work with it despite best efforts. I don’t open the ftp port to the internet, and I’ve locked down the ftp user settings as much as possible to still allow the reolink to do its thing).

After setting up and manually testing the ftp addon, I added a folder_watcher integration entity to know when a new image is uploaded:
(placed in configuration.yaml)

  - folder: /media/bellcam
      - "*.jpg"

Then set the doorbell ftp settings like so:

This schedule and settings will only upload a photo(overwriting any past version) when the doorbell is pressed. Note: We can’t use the doorbell ftp settings for anything else, or the automation below would be firing for all other events. It may be possible to create more a complex setup, but I don’t need anything more personally.

And last, use an automation with a folder_watcher event trigger:

alias: Notify with Visitor Image on Bellcam FTP Upload
description: >
  Since reolink requires http, use an ftp server upload and folder_watcher
  event to know when the button is pressed.  Send an image to phones,
  then delay for ten seconds. Uses mode: single and max_exceeded: silent to
  quietly only fire at most once every ten seconds."
  - platform: event
    event_type: folder_watcher
      event_type: closed
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_phones
      title: Front Door Visitor
      message: ""
        entity_id: camera.poe_bell_cam
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 10
      milliseconds: 0
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent

Note: folder_watcher event will provide more info about the exact file upload in the event attributes, I’m not using it for anything else, so I can ignore all that and just skip straight to the action. If you use folder_watch for anything else, you’d need to adapt the automation with a condition to be sure it’s the right file being modified.

This works very consistently well for me(no known misses or long delays thus far in about 5 months of usage). You’d need to adapt the automation to your needs of course (e.g. playing a chime sound on Google speakers instead of, or in addition to, firing a notification on a phone).


Is it just me or has anyone else got the error that the JimStar HACS reolink integration has completely vanished from Github?

Installed poe doorbell today to replace a nest one.

Can’t seem to find a way update from version:v3.0.0.1459_22102808

I have it installed on my up to date NVR RLN8-410

Currently have doorbell press in home assistant but no reolink app notification on press?

Place the update file on a USB stick and plug it in the NVR.

Then update the bell trough the NVR GUI

Okay, I will try that. Hopefully it then enables door bell pressed notification within the reolink app.

I’ve finally setup my new PoE doorbell, using the HA Reolink Integration. I’m trying to get a decent/smooth camera live stream on my dashboard, and as good as the picture quality is on the ‘High’ setting, I soon realised that it was never going to give a smooth picture on my dashboard, or load within a popup window very quickly, so I’ve changed to using the sub stream instead of the main stream.

I’m still finding the sub stream a bit choppy when viewing on my dashboard, and it takes around 5 seconds to load up the stream, when I open my popup using browser_mod to view the stream. I’ve installed go2rtc and added both the main and sub RTSP streams to the config, and have also setup the WebRTC card, so that I can use RTC instead of RTSP, however I’m still getting slow loading times and the video isn’t smooth like it is in the Reolink Android or Windows client. I’m using RTC mode in my WebRTC card within my popup window.

I thought I would ask on here how others have found the live view on a dashboard before asking for some advice on the go2rtc thread. I don’t need audio, as any interaction with the doorbell press requiring audio will be done using the android or iPhone apps that we have.


My HA is reporting that there’s a firmware upgrade available for my POE doorbell. Since I can’t find anything new on the reolink website, I’m not willing to click that Install button.

Is anyone else getting this prompt? Ist a bug in the integration or it is referring to a hidden, maybe beta, firmware.

Not for me :slight_smile:

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