I know, that I can access a attribute, but what about a sub attribute? How can I use that in an automation.
For example, if I want to get the current temperature I use:
{{ states.weather.dwd_weather_location.attributes.temperature }}
But I have no clue, for example how to access “templow”
temperature: 15.2
humidity: 81
pressure: 1027.8
wind_bearing: 85
wind_speed: 5.5
visibility: 12.7
attribution: Data provided by Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD)
- datetime: '2020-09-08'
condition: sunny
temperature: 20.4
templow: 13.9
precipitation: 0
precipitation_probability: 1
- datetime: '2020-09-09'
condition: sunny
temperature: 23.2
templow: 12.3
precipitation: 0
precipitation_probability: 3