This has been happening with greater regularity where HA just stops. The host is up and I can ping it but it’s totally dead, can’t SSH to it, can’t SAMBA to it and cannot use the web interface - my only recourse is to power off the rPi and let it come up. It’s a big enough concern that I built an ESP device to monitor my HA and reboot it if it fails pings (which I now know is faulty so I’ll do it with API calls instead).
I am not sure where I can go to find out what cause this sudden stop state. Which logs have this information? The main HA log doesn’t have anything outside of the normal internal error reporting and nothing seems to shine a light on this problem. I’ve checked all the logs under System that seem logical to check and nothing tells me why HA is essentially crashing.
This has been happening for a few months now. It isn’t predictable, just random and it’s not terribly frequent, but it’s happened a half dozen times in several months and that has me concerned - especially since my house is reliant upon HA and I often take RV trips where I need it to maintain my security systems and vacation “fake lighting”.
Any suggestions on how I can try to track this gremlin down? I’m almost to the point of starting over with HA but that is a MASSIVE undertaking, so much so that I’m avoiding it at all costs.